Total Drama: Despair Island (Crossover Edition) Rewritten - Chapter 1 - MeeMeeHeart777 (2024)

Chapter Text

It’s been 13 years since The Ridonculous Race ended. Even though the show was on hiatus, it was still pretty popular, especially in the multiverse. Fans were waiting for a brand new season for ages and it finally, FINALLY happened.

The show decided to host a crossover edition. 28 characters from different worlds are going to compete for one million dollars! Every single person from the multiverse applied for the show, trying to be part of the show.

In the end, 28 characters have been selected as part of the finals in an email, text, or letter:

To (Name):

After a thoughtful review, congratulations! Your audition for Total Drama Crossover Island has been accepted! We can’t wait to see you duke it out with 27 other characters.

Make sure to arrive at White Rock Pier on June 1st by noon. There, you will be escorted to the new and improved Camp Wawanakwa, where you’ll spend up to 8 weeks competing for the million dollars.

See you there!

  • The Total Drama team.

Once the cast was revealed, the popularity rose. The soon-to-be contestants found so much attention in their worlds, launching social media accounts or making local television appearances. Meanwhile, Chris McLean, Chef Hatchet, and the interns set up the preparations for the season.

Soon, June 1st came. Those who had families said their goodbyes, leaving hugs, tears, and/or goodbyes as the future celebrities left their worlds to go to Canada. The contestants then begin their journey to get to the dock.

Little did they know…that for most of them, this journey would also be their last.

“You got everything set up?” An male voice asked.

“Yep, everything is set up, Mr. Nasty. This series is going to blow the ratings. We needed to do something different than make movies.” A second male voice said.

“But how are we going to do this? We need a cast.” Mr. Nasty told him. “And since we operate on the black market, we need to get a cast without raising suspicion.”

“I got an idea…” The first male said. “You know the popular reality show, Total Drama?”

“Yes?” Mr. Nasty asked.

“We could kidnap the new cast and force them to participate in a deadly game for life and whatever money we have. It would be a foolproof plan.”

“Hmm…that sounds like a good idea. We have over $3 million dollars from our little profit from the black market. We can have $1 million dollars as a prize for surviving the game.” Mr. Nasty said. “But how are we gonna do it?

“Oh, my plans are brilliant.” The second male voice said as he began to laugh sad*stically.

Soon, the two begin laughing even more, as if they were hyenas.

The first taxi arrived, dropping off two kids who looked to be siblings.

“So is this the place where we wait for the boat?” Tiff asked as she arrived with her brother in a taxi.

“Yes, sis. I can’t wait to see the host!” Tuff exclaimed.

Tiff and Tuff got out of the taxi, with their bags ready to be pulled out. They grabbed them and went to the end of the pier. Both Tiff and Tuff applied for the show and they got accepted, much to King Dedede’s frustration.

The next taxi came by and a woman got out of the taxi.

“Look out, bitches! Catalina is here to get ya!” Catalina exclaimed. She was accepted in exchange for a chance to not serve many years in prison.

At the same time, a man got out of the taxi as well.

“I never knew I had to share a taxi with a crazy woman, man.” Jim Chapman groaned, his hand covering half his head.

“Don’t you mean, a criminal?” Catalina answered him, as she rolled her eyes.

“Yo, you’re a criminal?!” Jim gasped.

Another taxi came by and one person got out of the taxi, grabbing their bags.

“What’s up, dudes and dudettes.” Jude Liwzoski greeted with a huge grin on his face.

“Hey there!” Tuff greeted back. “My name is Tuff.”

“My name is Jude, nice to meet you man!” Jude said as he fist-bumped Tuff.

“Nice to meet you too!” Tuff smiled back.

Another person got out of the same taxi as well, it was a teenage human female.

“I'm so excited to compete in Total Drama!” Caitlin Cooke said happily. “The million dollars is going to be mine.”

“Not if I beat you to me.” Jude chuckled.

“Oh, it's on!” Caitlin said to him.

Another taxi came by and dropped off a blue alien.

“Well, this should be the right place.” Cosmi said. “I hope the humans from my world don't get scared of me when they watch the show.”

Cosmi carried his bag and went over to the dock as an sponge got out of the same taxi, ready to go.

“I’m ready for this brand new season!” SpongeBob SquarePants exclaimed. “We’re gonna have so much fun!”

“Now there’s a sponge?! Am I dreaming or somethin’?” Jude said in surprise.

“No. This is real!” SpongeBob exclaimed.

“Whoaaaa. Awesome.” Jude exclaimed in awe.

The next taxi stopped by and three people got out of the taxi this time. 2 were anthropomorphic cookie people and the other was a middle aged human woman.

“Man, can’t believe I’m here.” Cocoa Cookie smiled as she sipped on her hot chocolate, her favorite in the whole wide multiverse.

“Trust me, it ain’t that big of a deal.” Natalya Ivanova sighed.

“Oh yes. It is a big deal.” Mint Choco Cookie told her.

“Total Drama is going to be a challenge for everyone.” Natalya said. “So I don't know what you two will do without each other,”

“Don’t worry, we will be fine!” Cocoa Cookie smiled while sipping her hot chocolate.

“If either of us win, we can save the money for something special.” Mint Choco Cookie told Natalya.

“Oh, what's your plan?” Natalya asked him curiously.

“It's a secret.” Mint Choco Cookie answered back. “Wouldn’t wanna tell one of my opponents that, don’t you think?”

“I suppose that makes sense.” Natalya said before shifting her attention to the next in line.

“Hello everyone.” A woman who was wearing an American bikini got out of another taxi. “My name is Candy Suxxx , though that’s just my stage moniker, my real name is actually Candice Shand.”

“Nice to meet you, Candy.” Jude waved at Candy.

“Is that an American flag bikini?” Caitlin asked her. “It fits you super well!”

“Oh thanks, I usually get compliments of the more..dirty variety.” Candy blushed.

“I have a pretty bad feeling about this…” The Journalist , or Robina, said as she got out of the taxi with someone else.

“Don’t be.” James Earl Cash responded to her.

“Interesting that this will make it or break it as a news cover,” Robina said. “I heard this show is going to make millions of views in just it’s home universe alone!.”

“...” Cash didn’t say anything else as he grabbed their bags and walked over to where everyone else was at.

“Greetings, everyone. My name is Robina.” She greeted everyone.

“Nice to meet you! What job do you do?” Tiff asked her.

“I am a TV reporter, covering footage for news.” Robina said.

“I hope it's better than King Dedede's news on DDD channel…” Tiff scratched her head.

“And who is this guy?” Tuff asked her.

“His name is Cash. It's a long story on how we met.” Robina said nervously.

“Oh…” Tuff simply said.

The next taxi came by and it dropped off a film director.

“Oh, finally! I’m here!” Steve Scott cheered. “Oh, I can taste the million dollars in my mouth.”

“Steve!” Candy came up to him and hugged him. “Glad you are here competing with me!”

“Me too!” Steve said happily.

“A film director? That's awesome!” SpongeBob exclaimed. “What movies do you work on?”

“... both p*rn flicks and regular flicks, I’m a rather varied director.” Steve chuckled nervously.

“Steve! Don't reveal what the first one means.” Candy said. “We don't want their innocence to be ruined.”

“Right…” Steve said.

The next taxi came by and it dropped off an African-American guy. He has his guitar with him.

“So this is the place?” Wyatt Williams asked.

“Yep!” Caitlin answered.

“That's good.” Wyatt said, grabbing his bags and walking over to Jude and Caitlin. “Glad we are competing together.”

“Too bad Jen and Jonesy had to drop out a few weeks before today. They have to go on a family vacation trip with their family.” Caitlin said.

“Bummer. Hope they have a great time though.” Jude said.

The next taxi came to the dock, dropping off two people. Both were cartoon animals, or at least 1 of them, a rabbit, was. The other was less easy to identify.

“Woo! This is going to be so much fun!” Chowder yelled happily.

“Yeah! I agree with you.” Roger Rabbit said while grabbing his bags. “I hope my positivity will bring everyone together.”

Another taxi stopped by and an orange fish got out of the taxi, looking so happy.

“Oh boy! So glad to be here and to meet all of you!” Darwin Watterson exclaimed. “My name is Darwin.”

“Whoa, is it me or am I dreaming?” Jude asked everyone.

“A talking fish! They never have those in the aquarium at the mall!” Cosmi acknowledged.

“I have never seen a talking fish before.” Candy wondered

“As for me, I have seen a fish talk before. His name was Kine.” Tiff explained.

“Your world is so endless man, way cooler than ours!” Wyatt said.

“My brother, Gumball, was supposed to be here. But…” Darwin started to say. “He got grounded.”

“What did he do?” Catalina asked the orange fish.

“He got bad grades on his exams. Since I had a good score in my exams, my mom allowed me to complete.” Darwin explained.

“That's pretty cool that I don't give a f*ck.” Catalina rolled her eyes.

“Hey! Be nice and no cussing!”

Just then, a taxi stopped in front of everyone. He was clearly Russian.

“Good morning, comrades.” Nikolai Zinoviev greeted. “I hope we had a fair and clean game.”

“I hope not.” A beautiful young woman with an umbrella named Dahlia Hawthorne stepped out. Her sweet, innocent stare attracted a few of the male contestants and even some females like Candy.

“Shut up.” Nikolai rolled his eyes as the two grabbed their luggage.

Another taxi stopped by, dropping off another woman.

“Hey guys and girls,” Cindy Lennox waved. “Name’s Cindy, Cindy Lennox.”

“Yo, Cindy! Glad we are competing together.” Jim smiled.

“I know, right? What are the chances of that?” Cindy smiled.

The next taxi came by the dock. A third Cookie came by and she was wearing a pizza delivery outfit. She was carrying a few boxes of pizza and her luggage.

“Everyone! I managed to bring some pizza before coming here!” Pizza Cookie yelled. “Basically, it's pepperoni and sausage.”

“That's great! Pizza is delicious!” Chowder said while running to grab a slice of pizza and starts eating it, much to Pizza Cookie’s silent displeasure.

At that moment, the semi-final taxi came by, dropping off two girls and one male.

“Here we are! The dock!” Lucy Liberty exclaimed. “So glad to be in Canada!”

“At least this sea is peaceful.” Jody Summer smiled.

“Huh…it looks peaceful.” Tony Montana said while scratching his hair “No violent gangs, no corrupt police, just…people going about their day.”

All three of them took their luggage out and proceed to head to the dock. Lucy spotted a few boxes of pizza.

“Pizza!” Lucy exclaimed, as she rushed over to grab a few slices of pizza, once again upsetting Pizza Cookie.

The final taxi has arrived, dropping off the final two contestants. Two are them are Japanese girls. They managed to grab their luggage and headed over to where the others are at.

“Hi everyone!” Komaru Naegi waved. “My name is Komaru Naegi, and this is my friend Toko f*ckawa.”

“Nice to meet you!” Caitlin waved back.

“So I-i think t-that's everyone.” Toko f*ckawa sighed.

“Yep.Counted, there’s exactly 28 of us, just like the ad said.” Cindy said, eating a slice of pizza.

“So now what do we do? Do we just…wait?” Pizza Cookie asked everyone.

Just at this moment, a big boat hummed its way toward White Rock Pier and it stopped in front of them. Behind the wheel, a captain clad in a fisherman’s yellow coat stared blankly ahead. He knows the route to the island very well.

“Oh, there it is,” Tuff said. “The boat is here.”

“What are we all waiting for, dudes? Let’s get in and rock this summer!” Jude said as he got on the boat.

The 28 characters were squeezed into hip-hop seats, putting their luggage on their laps or in front of their feet.

“Oh boy. Can’t wait to eliminate all of you assholes and win this show.” Catalina said evilly.

“Come on, don’t you have anything better to do than crime, Catalina?!” Tiff asked her in a passive aggressive tone.

“Shut the f*ck up!” Catalina screamed.

“Hey, don't talk to my sister like that!” Tuff called out.

“You wanna go bitch?!” Catalina yelled at the boy.

“Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but does anyone know anything from the show?” Robina announced.

Suddenly, everyone went quiet and began to think hard. Most of them shrugged or stroked their chins (if they had any).

“That’s a great point miss.” Mint Choco Cookie agreed. “Do we even know what the island looks like?”

“It’s Camp Wawanakwa. What do you expect?” Cash piped up.

“I know, but what does it look like?” Robina questioned him.

“Uhm…” Cash wondered as he didn't know how to answer the question. “I haven’t actually watched any previous season, so I really just don’t know.”

“I have seen the previous seasons. It’s the one with the big cliff, the one they jumped off of in the very first challenge.” Wyatt answered. “I hope I am right…”

“Oh, cool. I have watched the show too. I don’t know how Chris brought the island back up after it got sunk at the end of All-Stars.” Jude said. “It’s like a big mystery to me.”

“According to the news, they paid just to bring the island back up and do so many repairs and fixes,” Komaru answered. “It cost them like over $2 million dollars after some donations from some generous millionaires.”

“Wow. That’s an interesting topic that I really don't care.” Dahlia pondered, her angelic voice catching the interest of the more vulnerable people in the cast.

“At least we are going to experience the improved Camp Wawanakwa .” Darwin said.

“Who do you think will host this season?” Cocoa Cookie asked.

“Chris Mclean. He m-may be getting o-old and all that, but he’s always b-been the h-host of the s-season. U-unless he’s retiring and w-we’re h-having a new host.” Toko explained.

“Chris is getting old, guy needs a bunch of plastic surgery to hide his age.” Tuff told her.

“Haha.” Lucy giggled. “How painfully insecure he must be about his looks!”

“Either that or Blaineley might be the host.” Dahlia said. “And considering who Chris is, that might be an improvement somehow.”

“Come on, let’s start celebrating this new season of Total Drama!” Caitlin cheered.

Everyone then cheered and laughed happily except for Catalina and Dahlia, who just rolled their eyes in response. And Cash didn’t say anything but still quietly cheered.

The boat ride took about ten minutes in total. The pizza boxes that Pizza Cookie brought were empty now and everyone was chilling, watching the beautiful ocean shine.

“How long does it take to get here?” Cash sighed.

“I don’t know, but it should take too long.” Mint Coco Cookie answered. “I heard that the island is pretty close to the mainland for security reasons.”

“Wait a minute, I can see the island a little.” Caitlin squinted at the horizon.

The rest of the contestants leaned forward a bit in their seats. Sure enough, the outline of an island could be vaguely made out. There it was, Camp Wawanakwa.

“Everybody get out. The host will be here surely.” The driver spoke.

“What?” Cash asked, raising an eyebrow. “You didn’t say anything the whole boat ride.”

“Just do what I said.” The driver sighed. “I don’t get paid enough to do this sh*t.”

“Do you?” Natalya asked him.

“Just get off.”

Each crossover character stepped out of the boat one by one, trying to shuffle into the pier without dropping their luggage or knocking someone off the boat. After a bit of an uncomfortable departure, all of the contestants successfully got off the boat. The second the last foot had planted itself on the dock, the boat turned away and sped off in the direction it had just come from.

“Wow. That was fast.” Pizza Cookie pointed out. “Didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye.”

“Talk about being rude and selfish.” Cash said, with Robina nodding in agreement.

“Now that we’re here, where’s the host? He’s usually the first thing the contestants see.” Tiff asked.

“We managed to get our asses here by following the instructions and all that, but the host isn’t even here,” Jim whined.

“Don't worry, Jim. Chris McLean will be here soon, I’m sure.” Cindy smiled.

“Or does he…?” Chowder wondered as he picked his chin.

“Wait!” Roger Rabbit exclaimed as he heard a loud sound. “Has anyone heard something?”

“Yeah. It sounds like a helicopter.” Natalya answered.

“A helicopter? I love those things.” Jude smiled.

“Look!” Tony bellowed, pointing at the sky. All of the characters directed their eyes to where he had pointed his finger at.

A chopper was slowly descending closer to where they stood directly. As the helicopter lowered closer to the beach, the whirring of the blades grew louder, prompting the characters to cover their eyes to avoid getting their ears blasted.

“The noise…! It's so loud!” Cosmi cried out.

Through the flying sand and their strands of blown-about hair, the characters could make out one of the helicopter doors sliding open. A male figure hopped out, landing on the ground.

“Thanks for the ride!” He called out. The chopper began to elevate itself once more, allowing everyone’s hearing to return.

When the dust cleared, the characters withdrew their hands from their heads. The light-skinned man who leaped from the copter was in his late forties, overweight, and wore a large white towel around his neck and a golden necklace. He also wears a purple Hawaiian shirt with nothing under it, gray shorts with a leather belt with a star-shaped metal buckle, black slippers, and sunglasses.

“So,” He chirped, facing his confused audience. “Not the entrance you were all expecting, I presume?” The mysterious man said.

“Whoa. You ride a helicopter. That is awesome my man!” Jude said.

“Thanks, Jude.” The man said.

“Oh, you know my name!” Jude said as his eyes widened.

“So you’re the new host, I assume?” Catalina asked. “Way to arrive on time.”

“Right, I want to apologize for that. My interns aren’t exactly the best in the business.”

“Geez, just like my life.” Wyatt sighed.

“Hold on a minute, I haven’t even introduced myself properly. Contestants, I’m Lionel Starkweather. I’ll be your host here on Total Drama Crossover Island.” Starkweather introduced himself.

Some of the characters clapped upon hearing the name of the show. Others rolled their eyes at the flair.

“So your name is Lionel Starkweather?” Tuff asked, visibly confused about this. “You're the new host?”

“Yes, you are right. I remember your audition quite well. Speaking of, I suppose you all know the rules, right?”

“Yes. Yes we do.” Tiff said.

“Prove it, then.”

“We are all going to live on the island in cabins.” Robina started.

“Every week, we’re going to participate in a challenge. Some will give us immunity while others give us rewards.” Candy continued.

“Along the way, we’re supposed to make friends, enemies, or even lovers.” Cocoa Cookie said, looking at her beloved Mint Choco.

“And then after every challenge, we all have a vote to send somebody home,” Candy said.

“Until o-one is l-left a-and wins $1 m-million dollars.” Toko finished.

“So you understand the basic premise,” Starkweather asked, putting his finger to his chin.

“It wasn’t hard. Some of us have watched the show.” Caitlin answered.

“I see. But you still have a lot of things you don’t know about the show.”

“Like?” Catalina raised an eyebrow, confused.

“Well, I can’t just tell you all of it now because it's a surprise.” Starkweather grinned. “Follow me, everyone. I will show you around the island and then I will explain.”

The path wound through the woods, leading the characters through the thick Canadian pine and allowing them to drink in the landscape of their eventual home. The occasional wooden pole with a loudspeaker atop it served as the only variety among nature. Starkweather led along the way.

“Campers!” Starkweather announced, spreading his arms wide as he led them into an open area. “Welcome to your new campground!”

On the right side, two wooden cabins were right there. They are slightly big.

“Whoa. This place looks great.” Cindy said.

“I’m glad you’re fond of it.” Starkweather flashed a smile. “The large building to your left is the Mess Hall. You all will occupy it for three meals a day - breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

“Oh yeah! I’ll never get hungry ever !” Chowder shouted.

“Follow me.” Starkweather said. “We’re going to see inside of it.”

Starkweather led the 28 characters through the double doors. The inside was pretty cool as it looks similar to the ones from the previous TD seasons.

“So who’s the chef?” Chowder asked.

“Ah! Campers, I'd like to introduce you to your cook, Teruteru Haramuma.” Starkweather said. “He’ll be preparing and serving you food in these weeks to come.”

“Hello there.” Teruteru waved. “I’m the chef in this island and I hope you’ll all like my food.”

“Wait a minute…I feel like I know him from somewhere…’” Komaru wondered.

“Yes, yes, yes! I would like to have some-” Chowder started to say, but he was stopped.

“Come now, Chowder. We can save eating until after the tour ends. I bet you have all been waiting to see your cabins.”

The characters were led back outside, returning to face the cabins. The group of characters filed close to the doorway, looking inside the cabins. There were two doors - one boy and one girl. There were 7 sets of bunk beds lined on each wall. There were also drawers as well.

“That’s it?!” Catalina asked. “This place looks really sh*tty!”

“Yeah, it looks out of space,” Tiff said.

“There are twenty-eight characters in this and only two cabins. So there will be 14 people in your cabin, 7 girls in one room and 7 guys in another room.” Starkweather said.

“That’s great.” Dahlia sighed. “Keeps all the creeps out.”

“I got a question. Where do we use the bathroom?” Steve asked, raising his hand.

“Good question, Steve. The outhouse is multi-purpose!” Starkweather grinned, before mentioning the outhouse next to the cabins.

“Hey, there’s a camera here!” Catalina exclaimed as she opened the door to the bathroom.

“That camera exists for one reason only: confessionals! Whenever you enter there, you can use it as an opportunity to share private thoughts or feelings, away from all of the characters.” Starkweather explained.

Confessional: Tiff

“So far, this is getting creepy and awkward. The real host for this season is an old man?”

Confessional: Caitlin

“I don't care about who's going to host this, this is going to be the best summer ever!”

“But what if we actually have to use the bathroom? Or take a shower?” SpongeBob asked.

“Well, there is a separate outhouse for that! There are a couple of shower cubicles in another room while there are regular toilet cubicles in another room. Finally, there is a small locker room for privacy.”

“That's good.” Robina sighed.

“Now let’s move on to the other area,” Starkweather said.

As the scenery returned to pine trees and loudspeaker poles (along with cameras) while the animals watched closely, Tiff fidgeted with her bag. They have been walking for quite some time now.

“Um, Starkweather? Can we stop somewhere soon?” Tiff asked him.

“Now, now, Tiff. We’re getting closer to our destination.” Starkweather said. “Which is right…now!”

The cast followed him for a minute before reaching the other destination.

“Here we are, guys: The Arts and Crafts Center and Medical Building!” Starkweather exclaimed.

The Arts and Crafts Center is a building where the main purpose was to store items that could be used for recreational purposes or items for challenges. It was semi-big and was pretty nice. The Medical Building is a place where the contestants get treated for injuries and stuff like that.

“Arts and crafts? That sounds like a fun activity.” Cocoa Cookie smiled.

“You can create anything. And I mean, anything.” Starkweather smirked.

“Yeah! I can probably make some creative pizza boxes.” Pizza Cookie said happily.

“Wait, you work at a pizza place?” Jude asked her.

“Yep. It's a stressful job, but it's pretty fun!” Pizza Cookie said.

“I mean, that seemed a little obvious from her name, right?” Tiff said.

“Starkweather, I have a question. Where are the camera crew?” Candy asked him.

“Cameras are everywhere. If you can see over here, that's a camera right there.” Starkweather pointed at the nearby camera.

“At least you guys got some footage to air.” Robina said.

“Alright, guys. There's a couple of more spots to go to, so follow me.” Starkweather said, waving at everyone.

The cast continued to follow him, going over to the outside amphitheater. There was a stage along with benches.

“This is the amphitheater, where you can perform your talented skills.” He said, as he was on the stage. “There will be a challenge involving a talent show, so stay tuned.”

Everyone started to clap happily. However, for Starkweather, he doesn't care about having regular fun. He just wanted to tell them that this was his show. He suddenly gets a call from Mr. Nasty.

“You told them the surprise?”

“Almost. Got to introduce two more areas and then I will announce it.”

“Good. Make sure they will never forget it.”

Getting off the call, Starkweather got off the stage and informed the contestants about the final two areas. They all proceeded to follow him again.

While they made a small stop at the boathouse and the cave so the contestants could look at them, another intern named Cerberus came up to Starkweather.

“The chopper’s been taken care of,” Cerberus said.

“Good job, guys. Glad you are doing so well in your job.” Starkweather chuckled.

“Have you got to the part yet? They seemed pretty happy.”

“Very soon, I will. They won’t be the least bit happy when I tell them what I have planned for the season.”


Cerberus then left the area, going down the path to where he came from.

“Alright, campers!” Starkweather clapped his hands, making everyone look at him. “There’s one final stop in this tour. The campfire pit.”

They have officially made it to the final area, which is the campfire pit. Not only there's 14 wood stumps, but there's also a Peanut Gallery.

“And that's the entire tour. I skipped a few other locations because those will be important later on.” Starkweather said to the contestants. “Now I want your attention. So sit down or stand up while I prepare the announcements.”

Everyone ends up sitting on either the wood stumps or continuing to stand up while Starkweather heads out for a moment.

“What do you think the announcement is going to be…?” Tiff asked everyone.

“This is probably the part where he put us in teams.” Wyatt said.

“I hope he lets us name our own teams. I’m going to call my team, the “Mastermind Criminals”,” Catalina said. “Great name, huh?”

“I don't think all of us are criminals, except for a few probably.” Steve told her.

“Hahahaha!” Catalina laughed.

“Shut up, Catalina.”

“I'm n-nervous about this.” Toko said to Komaru, who she was clutching by the arm.

“Don't worry, Toko. Everything is going to be fine, I promise,” Komaru smiled at her, patting on her hair.

Once Starkweather came back, he turned to face the contestants.

“Everyone. I want to apologize first and foremost.” Starkweather started.

“Apologize for what?” Jude asked.

“For a lot of things. But mainly for one thing.”

Starkweather released a sharp whistle. As if on cue, a black guy came out holding a sniper rifle. This startled a lot of the campers, who didn’t expect to see a gun on the first day.

“Before I reveal it, this is my friend, Ramirez. I’ll explain what he does later.” Starkweather said.

“H-hi?” Roger Rabbit waved nervously.

“I lied to you all,” Starkweather said.

The sight of the firearms coupled with Starkweather’s words sent panic to the characters. They all have different reactions. Mint Choco Cookie and Cocoa Cookie gripped each other tightly, tears welling in their eyes, Candy clapped a hand over her mouth, Tiff and Tuff screamed loudly, Cash and Robina sat back in shock and fear, Pizza Cookie was shivering in fear, Catalina, who was very tough, was shocked. Everyone else was panicking and screaming.

The only people that didn't reaction is Nikolai and Dahlia.

“No, no, nonononono!” Komaru chanted quietly.

“Yippee!” Dahlia clapped. “Nice!

“Well, now! Is this an available joke?” Cosmi exclaimed. “I got to hand it to you, Starkweather. You really made a good joke around here.”

The other contestants shared looks of uneasiness.

“Cosmi, sit down!” Starkweather commanded. “And shut up.”

“So is this a joke, right?” Cosmi chuckled nervously. “I think I’m the master of joking!”

“Sit. Back. Now. Right f*cking now.” Starkweather said. “I won't warn you again. Ramirez, demonstrate.”

Ramirez had removed his rifle from its strap and a loud bang was heard as he fired a warning shot. Most of the campers jumped and yelped in fear, their panic or crying increasing. Nikolai smiled as he was the only person not affected by this.

“N-never mind.” Cosmi murmured, shakily lowering into his seat.

“If anyone leaves their seat, the next shot WON'T be a warning.” Starkweather said to everyone in a much more serious tone than before.

“I'm so sorry…” Cosmi said nervously.

“First of all, this is not Total Drama Crossover Island nor is Camp Wawanakwa. You all boarded the boat led by one of my good friends. Thankfully, we were able to intercept an email regarding the date and time of your arrival and my friend was able to intercept all of you.” Starkweather announced.

Each word felt like an ice cube was dropped into their hearts. Some of them melt further into fear while others feel queasy or light-headed.

“W-why wasn't the b-boat to Total Drama Crossover Island there?” Toko stammered.

“We had distracted the boat.” Starkweather chuckled. “We played a bit of chicken with the boat long enough for all of you to board one of my friends’ boats instead.”

“Then what the f*ck is this sh*t then?!” Tony asked in a frustrated tone. “I came for Total Drama Island, not Creepy Old Guy Island!”

“This little show is known as Despair Island.” Starkweather laughed evilly. “Now allow me to explain the rules. First of all, you were all spot-on about most of it really. However…”

“However?” Caitlin gulped with fear in her voice.

“When the time to vote off a contestant goes around. They will not be going home.” He paused, sickeningly trying to build up suspense. “Instead, they will die .”

The announcement dropped like a bomb. Everyone screamed and panicked.

“What the f*ck?!” Steve asked in shock.

“So it's a deadly game. Amazing.” Nikolai smirked, being one of the least affected by the announcement.

“You…you f*cking monster!” Catalina yelled at him. “If anyone can kill someone, it would be-”

“Shut up.” Starkweather yelled back. “And quiet everyone.”

“This…is so cruel.” Tiff said quietly.

“Every week, you will participate in the challenge, all of which have been decided by our group. As previously mentioned, the winner of the challenges will receive a prize, which is immunity and a prize. Then, you all are rounded up to vote.” Starkweather explained.

“Voting is pretty simple. You all will be given a slate of contestants to pick from. You will probably have a reason to be on the slate - poor performance, negative reputation among the cast, etc. Each one of you will pick one constant as your vote for elimination.”

“And what if we don’t want to vote?” Jim asked.

“You have to. And if you choose not to, we will give you a warning the first time and then punishment every other time.” Starkweather said.

“Anyways, once the votes have been decided, you will all gather here at this campfire ceremony where all of you except for one to receive a bag of candy. The eliminated contestant will be revealed after the bags are given and you will watch their elimination live and in person. After that is done, you will all go back to your cabins and relax until the next challenge.”

“Relax? How are we supposed to relax if someone dies in front of us?!” Jude said in a panic.

“It’s just a general term.”

“What if…we want to leave the island?” Candy began to ask.

“You can’t. We have cameras everywhere, under 24/7 surveillance. Any attempt to leave the island, like swimming for example, will be caught and punishment will be doled out. Aka instant elimination at the elimination ceremony. The same goes for trying to kill me too.” Starkweather said. “So don't think of anything funny to do.”

“Third, there will be two teams of 14. Just like the show stated.” Starkweather continued.

“Oh, good. I thought we have to compete by ourselves or something.” Jim sighed.

After a few tense moments, Darwin raised his hand, as it was shaking.

“What do we win in the end?”

Starkweather paused before breaking out into a chuckle.

“You win life and $1 million dollars. You receive the money and be dropped off back at the pier, where you go back to your own universe and enjoy life.”

“A million dollars?!” Caitlin asked. “That sounds sweet, but also despairing at the same time. I feel…sick.”

At that point, Caitlin gagged and threw up on the ground. Jude pats her on the back.

“Yes, let the vomit out, I don't care.” Starkweather said. “Oh, and the internet’s nonexistent here. You have no connection to the outside world, lest our little game gets interrupted by authorities.” Starkweather said real quick.

“Dammit!” Pizza Cookie cursed out. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”

“Finally, I want to announce something. There is another way to live than just winning the entire competition.” Starkweather said as he pulled out a wooden carving with pictures of angels on them. “This is a Life Idol. Only three of them are hidden on this island. Once you find it, you will go to a resort where you remain there for the rest of the competition.”

“That sounds sweet, I guess.” Jude said. “How do we find it though?”

“It can be found anywhere on the island - even in cabins.” Starkweather explained. “The Life Idol will be hidden until the final 10, where it will be removed and unavailable. As for holding on into it, it will be automatically used in the final 6 if you haven't used it by then. Same goes for if you die by any other means - like challenges for example. Don’t think you’ll be safe until the elimination ceremony.”

“Right then! Let’s get to sorting our teams. When I call out your name, you’ll gather together to be in that team.” Starkweather said.

“SpongeBob, Candy, Tiff, Chowder, Toko, Pizza Cookie, Robina, Cash, Tony, Roger Rabbit, Caitlin, Jim, Catalina, and Steve…” Starkweather said, throwing a purple banner, revealing to be a dove with a confused expression. “You will be known as the Dopey Doves.”

“Cosmi, Lucy, Jude, Mint Choco Cookie, Tuff, Natalya, Cocoa Cookie, Dahlia, Nikolai, Darwin, Komaru, Jody, Wyatt, and Cindy…” He continued, throwing a white banner, revealing to be a chicken running. “You will be known as the Running Roosters!”

“Make sure you memorize your team cabins firmly, so you know which team you are staying at. And other than that, that’s all I can explain for now. We will be doing the challenge tomorrow since the sun is setting. See all of you tomorrow morning for your first challenge. You are welcome to eat at the Mess Hall right now. Or not, I don't care.”

Starkweather flashed a grin before motioning for the characters to grab their bags and head to their cabins. They rose one by one, grabbing their luggage as they were not happy with the outcome of this.

“You sick freak!” Cash exclaimed.

“Cash, before you go. I want to make this one single rule: you CANNOT and will not explain my identity and what I did to you to everyone. It’s best not to reveal the past. If you do, I will personally gouge your f*cking eyes out and then burn you alive in the ceremony’s campfire whether your team wins or not.” Starkweather sad*stically explained to him. “Got that clear?”

“f*ck!” Cash said as he left.

“Guess that's a yes… Ahhh... This is going to be a fun summer for me…” Starkweather smirked.

Just then, a ring was heard, causing Starkweather to pick up the phone.

“You told them the news?” Mr. Nasty asked him.

“Yes, Mr. Nasty. The first death will occur tomorrow night and with my lovely intern who has quite the talent for designing and carrying out executions, we should have the first one ready in no time.” Starkweather said to him.

“Got it. Let's begin the airing of Total Drama: Despair Island.”

Everyone was somber during their walk back, exchanging teary-eyed glances for a moment but never speaking to one another. They went to the Mess Hall so they could have something to eat.

“Tonight's dinner is chicken patties, stuffed peppers, and corn on the cob.” Teruteru told everyone. “As for dessert, my special homemade strawberry cheesecake.”

The contestants all looked at Teruteru, nodding sadly.

“Okay, you can go eat now.” He sighed. “I’m sorry for what will happen to you, but it’s not like I can do anything about it.”

Everyone grabs a try and begins choosing what to eat.

“I knew it.” Robina mumbled.

“I can’t die!” Candy sobbed. “I can’t die! I got friends and a girlfriend at home! I’ve got people who care about me!”

The contestants exchanged uneasy looks. Candy’s words were all over their minds. Each one of them has friends, families, and even girlfriends/boyfriends who were planning on seeing their faces on TV. But now, despair fills the room. Twenty-eight characters were on this island, and only 1 to 4 people will return to their worlds alive.

By that math, it’s improbable that any of them got to go home.

“So, who cares? It’s now officially an elimination game.” Dahlia said. “The last person standing will get to go home unless they find a Life Idol.”

“And you probably don’t care about death. All you care about is money and life.” Candy said angrily.

“Bitch, you’ll be the first to die if you don’t shut the f*ck up,” Catalina said.

“Have it your way. I am very popular and can do better than you!” Candy yelled.

“Girls, can you please stop?” Pizza Cookie told them. “We can't fight over this.”

“At least we can try our best to win the competition.” Catalina said.

“Hmph.” Dahlia said.


Confessional: Dahlia

“Frankly, I really don't care about these contestants. All I’m worried about is me and my life.”



Confessional: Pizza Cookie

“I don't know what's worse: Getting killed or seeing a possible friend die. But Catalina needs to chill out.”


At this point, the two teams grabbed their food and sat at their team-colored tables. Dopey Doves’ table is purple while Running Roasters’ table is white.

While the competition will be challenging, at least the food is good since Teruteru is a good cook.

“This chicken sandwich is amazing!” Chowder exclaimed. “I want more!”

Teruteru comes up to Chowder and gives it to him.

“Here you go!” Teruteru smiled.

“Thank you, Teruteru.” Chowder smiled back.

Meanwhile, Caitlin was sitting next to SpongeBob and Tiff. She decided to start a conversation with them.

“So…where do you come from?” Caitlin asked them.

“I came from Bikini Bottom. It's a city under the sea.” SpongeBob answered.

“I came from Cappy Town, a semi-big village.” Tiff replied back as well. “Same goes for my brother, Tuff.”

“I came from Toronto, Canada.” Caitlin told them.

“I heard Canada looks nice and beautiful.” Tony said. “Although the laws about drug trafficking are different.”

“Wait, you are involved in drug trafficking?!” Caitlin gasped.

“Yep. Want me to explain the story and reasoning?”


From another side of the table, Steve was cutting up his stuffed pepper while Roger Rabbit and Toko watch.

“I always cut my stuffed peppers before eating them. Although I would love it if Teruteru served mashed potatoes. The side dish has been my favorite food since I was a child.”

“That's amazing. I tried out mashed potatoes before. It's pretty okay, just need some seasoning and/or gravy.” Roger Rabbit said happily.

“Y-you r-really seem like mashed p-potatoes. Why t-though?” Toko asked him.

“My mother makes them every time she cooks dinner.” Steve explained. “I was raised in a family who are in the film industry.”

“Interesting!” Caitlin said to him. “I remembered one time, Jen got a role in a movie and became a star.”

Meanwhile again, Robina and Cash were sitting next to each other.

“I don't understand why he is doing this…” Cash said, starting the conservation.

“Yeah. I don't know if he's doing this for his sick jokes.” Robina said quietly.

“Sick jokes?” Jim asked.

“Um….nothing.” Cash sighed. He knew he couldn't reveal Starkweather's past.

The scene now moves to the Running Roasters' table. Some of them are poking their food while the rest are eating normally. They are all scared and nervous about what Starkweather said to everyone.

“So…does anyone want to speak?” Tuff asked the team.

“I do! It's kinda upsetting if I don't make it out alive. My family would be depressed and sad, especially Gumball.” Darwin said.

“I don't know what we are going to do. Escaping from this predicament is not an option unless we can risk our lives to do it.” Jody said.

“We are smart and better than that.” Cindy replied.

“I agree with Blondie.” Dahlia said. “All we can do is win the challenges.”


Confessional: Dahlia

“I actually have a plan. I'm going to do what Heather from the first season does and make an alliance. Nikolai is an easy option since we probably both have the same motive. However, I need someone else. And I can't do it from the other team.”


Dahlia was looking around at her table, looking for easy options. Then, she spots it: Jude and Tuff. She came over to them, with Nikolai.

“Hey. When we head back, meet me in the bathroom tomorrow morning.” Dahlia smiled innocently.

“Got it, dudette.” Jude replied.

“Alright.” Tuff said, eating his chicken sandwich.

Meanwhile, Natalya was sitting next to the couple, Mint Choco Cookie and Cocoa Cookie. She looked at them with ease, as they talked about classical music. Natalya knows that since this is a deadly game, the two might have an advantage.

“Get it together, Natalya.” She said, talking to herself.

“What's the problem?” Lucy asked her.

“*sigh* It's just that I’m worried about these two. With an advantage, the two can easily make it to the finale.” Natalya explained.

“Huh. I understand.” Lucy said.

“Alright, everyone. It's time for your curfew.” Starkweather said, over the loudspeaker. “You are now welcome to head to your cabins. And oh, your luggage was brought in the cabins by my interns. Before you head out, please state your thoughts on this competition and the upcoming challenge, which is tomorrow.”

Everyone looked at each other in ease and fear. This was going to be a long summer.


Confessional: SpongeBob

“I just got to be positive…I just got to be positive! Oh, who am I kidding. It's a life-or-death game.”



Confessional: Candy

“I don't want to die, so I need a strategy. Or something of a miracle that he’s not being serious.”



Confessional: Tiff

“I don't know what am I going to do…if I die, then Kirby is going to be sad. I can't imagine what would be my death.”



Confessional: Chowder

“I don't have anything to say at the moment. But I hope it's an eating challenge!”



Confessional: Toko

“At l-least M-monokuma is n-not h-holding t-this game. But Starkweather seems a l-little suspicious.”



Confessional: Pizza Cookie

“Well, this has turned from bad to worse…”



Confessional: Robina

“How is Starkweather alive and well?!”



Confessional: Cash

“I can't believe it ...I don't know how, but dealing with Starkweather again is my worst nightmare. Especially after what happened.”



Confessional: Tony

“This was supposed to be fun, not a f*cking game about life and death! At least Sosa is not holding it nor participating in it.”



Confessional: Roger Rabbit

“So is he going to actually kill us?”



Confessional: Caitlin

“I can't die…I haven't found the perfect “the one”. I’m going to die single if I get eliminated!”



Confessional: Jim

“My life is sh*t! Can't this get any worse?!”



Confessional: Catalina

“f*ck all of those bitches! I will try my best to win, even if I have to kill someone except for Starkweather.”



Confessional: Steve

“So Starkweather is hosting this instead of Chris. I have a bad feeling that I may or may not know him…Grrr, I hate this island!”



Confessional: Cosmi

“I hope he's still joking about this…”



Confessional: Lucy

“I hope the challenge is not that difficult or hard. But I’m worried about the safety of my team and myself included,”



Confessional: Jude

“Dude, is this a horror movie being reality? Because I swear I read that one fanfic where-”

Suddenly, Starkweather’s voice comes up.

“Jude, please restrain from breaking the 4th wall! I can't fix walls, you know.”

“Oh. I'm sorry.”



Confessional: Mint Choco Cookie and Cocoa Cookie

“So I guess we are doing this together.”

“Anyways, I don't know if we are going to make it out alive.”

“We just need to find the Life Idol together.”

“And hopefully, we will survive together.”



Confessional: Tuff

“My sister and myself versus 26 others…it's a decision that will affect all of us…”



Confessional: Natalya

“As a KGB agent, I have risked life or death doing missions and killing people. But this…this is too much for me.”

“Not even Crypto would not be proud if he was here.”



Confessional: Dahlia

“Heh heh. Just wait for you guys and girls. I will dominate this competition, even if I have to lie and betray people to their death.”



Confessional: Nikolai

“Hmm…this is interesting. We all vote for someone to die if the team loses. I have a few ideas on my mind.”



Confessional: Komaru

“It's like the Demon Hunting game all over again…at least the Warriors of Hope have motives on why they want a kid paradise world. But Starkweather…I think he has no motive. He just want to see us die.”



Confessional: Jody

“I wish I could get in contact with the Mobile Task Force Police, but I can't. So I need to figure out something else.”



Confessional: Darwin

“I…I don't know what to say…this is despairingly sad.”



Confessional: Wyatt

“Can someone pinch me? This has got to be a dream!”



Confessional: Cindy

“I don't want to send someone to their death….but I have no choice when it comes to voting…”


Both teams went into their separate cabins and began to sleep. Tonight, this will be the final night for one unlucky contestant that will get eliminated tomorrow night.

Some still think that Starkweather is still joking….

Little did they know…they will soon learn that he's not joking.

“So…who would die first? Which team will win? Find out next time on Total…Drama…Despair Island!”

Total Drama: Despair Island (Crossover Edition) Rewritten - Chapter 1 - MeeMeeHeart777 (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.