Search results - Victorian Curriculum (2024)

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  • VC2M7A05

    generate tables of values from visually changing patterns or the rule of a function; describe and plot these relationships on the Cartesian plane


    • plotting points from a table of values generated using simple linear functions and recognising patterns, such as the points lie on a straight line
    • discussing and using variables to create a general rule and using the rule to determine the value of the dependent variable for any given value of the independent variable; for example, plotting the value of the circumference of a circle for varying values of radius
    • using function machines to generate a table of ordered pairs using input and output values, plotting the relationships on a Cartesian plane and describing the graph in terms of shape
    • using diagrams and manipulatives to form linear growth patterns, representing these patterns in tables and describing the relationship in terms of the way the pattern is growing and in the context of the situation

    VC2M7A05 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Level 7 | Algebra

  • VCMMG368

    Use the unit circle to define trigonometric functions as functions of a real variable, and graph them with and without the use of digital technologies


    • establishing the symmetrical properties of trigonometric functions
    • investigating angles of any magnitude
    • understanding that trigonometric functions are periodic and that this can be used to describe motion
    • identifying points on the unit circle via arc lengths in radians, which correspond to specified values of the circular functions sine, cosine and tangent

    VCMMG368 | Mathematics | Level 10A | Measurement and Geometry | Pythagoras and trigonometry

  • VC2M10AA04

    explore the inverse relationship between exponential functions and logarithmic functions and the solution of related equations


    • using the definition of a logarithm and the exponent laws to establish the logarithm laws
    • evaluating 10x for decimal values of x and relating this to a logarithm base 10 scale; solving exponential equations algebraically using logarithms with base 10, for example, 5000×1.01x=10000x=log10(2)log10(1.01)69.66 ; and connecting to the graph of the corresponding function

    VC2M10AA04 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Level 10A | Algebra

  • VCMNA139

    Use a function machine and the inverse machine as a model to apply mathematical rules to numbers or shapes


    • finding and describing simple rules in words to solve problems
    • using simple function machines to represent and apply a process or the inverse process, such as increase or decrease the value of a number by a specified amount

    VCMNA139 | Mathematics | Level 3 | Number and Algebra | Patterns and algebra

  • VCRAU084

    Understand the power of language to influence people’s actions, values and beliefs, and appreciate the value of linguistic diversity


    • analysing texts to understand how language can limit, promote or change actions
    • recognising the purpose of particular texts to impact emotionally on others, for example, by influencing opinions and reactions and in persuasive texts such as advertisem*nts or reviews of a film, concert or fashion
    • analysing the language of social and political messages to explore attitudes, values and beliefs
    • noticing how jargon or specific terms may be used to express membership and identity
    • examining how words, expressions and actions reflect relationships and social hierarchies, for example, showing respect by introducing oneself to the most senior or eldest person first
    • appreciating the social and cultural functions performed by language

    VCRAU084 | Languages | Roman Alphabet Languages | F–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Language variation and change

  • VC2M7A04

    investigate, interpret and describe relationships between variables represented in graphs of functions developed from authentic data


    • using graphs to analyse a building’s electricity or gas usage over a period of time, the value of shares on a stock market, or the temperature during a day, interpreting and discussing the relationships they represent
    • using travel graphs to compare the distance travelled to and from school, interpreting and discussing features of travel graphs such as the slope of lines and the meaning of horizontal line segments
    • telling the story behind what is being represented in graphs of functions, for example, graphs representing pouring rates or distance versus time
    • using graphs of evaporation rates to explore and discuss Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ methods of water resource management

    VC2M7A04 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Level 7 | Algebra

  • VC2M10AA10

    experiment with functions and relations using digital tools, making and testing conjectures and generalising emerging patterns


    • applying a bisection algorithm to determine the approximate location of the horizontal axis intercepts of the graph of a quadratic function such as fx=2x2-3x-7
    • applying transformations to the graph of x2+y2=1
    • identifying the coordinates of any points of intersection of the graph of a linear function with the graph of a quadratic function or a circle
    • identifying intervals on the real number line over which a given quadratic function is positive or negative
    • using a table of values to determine when an exponential growth or decay function exceeds or falls below a given value, such as monitoring the trend in value of a share price in a context of exponential growth or decay

    VC2M10AA10 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Level 10A | Algebra

  • VCIDU084

    Understand the power of language to influence people’s actions, values and beliefs, and appreciate the value of linguistic diversity


    • analysing texts to understand how language can limit, promote or change actions, for example, use of mohon, harap, tolong, jangan, dilarang
    • recognising the purpose of particular texts to impact emotionally on others such as by influencing opinions and reactions, for example, in persuasive texts such as advertisem*nts or reviews of a film, concert or fashion
    • analysing the language of social and political messages to explore attitudes, values and beliefs, for example, mohon jangan merokok, dua anak lebih baik, jangan pakai narkoba, persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa Indonesia, anak bangsa, sebangsa dan setanah air
    • noticing how jargon or specific terms may be used to express membership and identity, for example, within the religious groups Insya Allah, Puji Tuhan, Syukur, Alhamdulilah
    • examining how words, expressions and actions reflect relationships and social hierarchies (for example, use of the terms of address Bapak/Ibu, Anda and kamu), and showing respect by introducing oneself to the most senior or eldest person first
    • appreciating the social and cultural functions performed by language, and recognising the importance of diverse languages to convey alternative perspectives and ideas

    VCIDU084 | Languages | Indonesian | F–10 Sequence | Levels 9 and 10 | Understanding | Language variation and change

  • VCEALL650

    Understand the function of punctuation marks


    • identifying a range of punctuation marks in text, for example full stops, commas, question marks, quotation marks, semicolons
    • attending to punctuation marks when reading aloud, for example pausing at appropriate points in the text, adjusting speech to reflect dialogue

    VCEALL650 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level C2 | Reading and Viewing | Linguistic Structures and Features

  • VC2M7A06

    manipulate formulas involving several variables using digital tools, and describe the effect of systematic variation in the values of the variables


    • experimenting with different sets of tables of values from formulas; for example, using volume of a rectangular prism = length × width × height, and specifying a fixed width and equal length and varying the height
    • using spreadsheets and the formula function to recognise the effect of changing parameters on the entries in cells
    • analysing distance travelled for different combinations of average speed and time of travel using a table of values and the distance formula

    VC2M7A06 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Level 7 | Algebra

  • VCEALC057

    Write a simple text that fulfils a function


    • writing a simple description, recount or procedure after a shared class experience, for example a short text recounting making pancakes
    • writing the names of items depicted in images
    • copying and completing short, formulaic sentences to describe images, such as ‘This is a…’
    • choosing a sentence from a class text to use as a caption for an image

    VCEALC057 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level A1 | Writing | Communication

  • VCEALL292

    Use basic digital technology functions


    • typing letters and words, copying from a print text
    • following simple instructions with visual support to navigate a digital text using menu items or links

    VCEALL292 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level B1 | Reading and Viewing | Linguistic Structures and Features

  • VCEALL608

    Use basic digital technology functions


    • using basic functions of a keyboard and computer or other digital device, for example locating letters, numbers and symbols, using the shift key, space bar and mouse
    • using basic software applications to type text and perform simple edits, for example inserting or deleting a word
    • following simple instructions with visual support to navigate a digital text using menu items or links

    VCEALL608 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level C1 | Writing | Linguistic Structures and Features

  • VCZHU155

    Recognise the contextual meanings of individual syllables or characters to assist comprehension and vocabulary development, and explain the form and function of components in individual characters, for example, 心,想,情,闷


    • inferring the meaning of unfamiliar characters by identifying familiar semantic and phonetic components of compound characters, and using contextual clues to map the form of characters to sound and meaning
    • using digital tools to write a specific character, and finding out its pronunciation by using online dictionaries
    • writing characters with correct structure and proportion when writing with and without 田字格, and discussing issues with remembering and reproducing individual components in characters, for example, discriminating between characters such as 冒、昌…
    • exploring a range of fonts in digital form and personal styles of writing, and appreciating the aesthetic value of calligraphy, including 硬笔书法

    VCZHU155 | Languages | Chinese | Background Language Learner | F–10 Sequence | Levels 5 and 6 | Understanding | Systems of language

  • VCLVU171

    Explore connections between identity and cultural values and beliefs and the expression of these connections in Aboriginal languages


    • understanding the role of Aboriginal languages and cultures in caring for Country/Place and the environment
    • investigating how Aboriginal peoples express their relationship with the natural environment through language, for example, words/expressions associated with seasons, stars, winds, reefs, rivers, waterholes, plants and animals
    • gaining understanding through discussions with respected community members of the importance and significance of Welcome to Country/Place
    • understanding that Aboriginal languages are keeping places for cultural, environmental and social knowledge
    • recognising that song and song language play a central role as keeping places of knowledge
    • understanding that Aboriginal languages have a rich oral literature, which recounts epic journeys and events associated with totemic ancestors/cultural heroes, and that these stories map the land and embody values and mores of Aboriginal cultures
    • understanding and discussing the importance of story and the role of story-telling in transmitting language and culture
    • recognising ways in which cultural values are expressed in language, for example, through forms of address, speech prohibitions and styles, language of respect, land–language associations and non-verbal communicative behaviours
    • observing that concepts may be culture-specific, for example, expressing spatial awareness, how relationships are structured, how time and quantity are expressed, how land, water, sea and sky are viewed
    • recognising that Aboriginal languages have various social, spiritual and cultural functions within communities

    VCLVU171 | Languages | Victorian Aboriginal Languages | Levels 3 to 6 | Understanding | Role of language and culture

  • VC2M9A05

    identify and graph quadratic functions, solve quadratic equations graphically and numerically, and use null factor law to solve monic quadratic equations with integer roots algebraically, using graphing software and digital tools as appropriate


    • recognising that in a table of values, if the second difference between consecutive values of the dependent variable is constant, then it is a quadratic
    • graphing quadratic functions using digital tools and comparing what is the same and what is different between these different functions and their respective graphs; interpreting features of the graphs such as symmetry, turning point, maximum and minimum values; and determining when values of the quadratic function lie within a given range
    • solving quadratic equations algebraically and comparing these to graphical solutions
    • using graphs to determine the solutions of quadratic equations; recognising that the roots of a quadratic function correspond to the x-intercepts of its graph and that if the graph has no x-intercepts, then the corresponding equation has no real solutions
    • relating horizontal axis intercepts of the graph of a quadratic function to the factorised form of its rule using the null factor law; for example, the graph of the function y=x2-5x+6 can be represented as y=x-2x-3 with x-axis intercepts where either x-2=0 or x-3=0
    • recognising that the equation x2=a, where a>0, has 2 solutions, x=a and x=-a (for example, if x2=39 then x=39=6.245 correct to 3 decimal places, or x=-39=-6.245 correct to 3 decimal places) and representing these graphically
    • graphing percentages of illumination of moon phases in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ understandings that describe the different phases of the moon

    VC2M9A05 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Level 9 | Algebra

  • VC2M8A03

    use mathematical modelling to solve applied problems involving linear relations, including financial contexts involving profit and loss; formulate problems with linear functions, and choose a representation; interpret and communicate solutions in terms of the context, and review the appropriateness...


    • modelling situations involving linear functions, including practical contexts such as taxi fares involving flag fall fees, motion in a straight line at a constant speed, trade quotes involving call-out fees, cooking that includes resting or cooling times, or water leakage from water tanks, interpreting the constant rate of change and initial value in context, and identifying when values of a model lie within a given range
    • modelling problems in practical situations and interpreting solutions within the context of the problem, including giving attention to all units of measure and whether results are suitable; for example, once a water tank is empty no more water can flow from it
    • modelling financial problems involving pay rates, using a table of values to represent the pay amounts and hours worked using an hourly rate of pay, and graphing the relationship to make inferences
    • modelling patterns on Country/Place and exploring their connections and meaning to linear equations, using the model as a predictive tool and critiquing results by connecting back to Country/Place

    VC2M8A03 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Level 8 | Algebra

  • VCEALL209

    Understand the function of spaces, capital letters and full stops


    • using spaces to count words in a sentence or on a line
    • using capital letters and full stops to count sentences
    • pausing at full stops when reading aloud

    VCEALL209 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level BL | Reading and Viewing | Linguistic Structures and Features

  • VCEALL320

    Use basic software functions to present text


    • using a keyboard to type capital and lower-case letters, numbers and basic punctuation marks
    • typing letters, numbers, symbols and words, copying from a print text
    • using simple editing functions such as inserting or deleting a word, and formatting functions such as making text bold or changing the colour

    VCEALL320 | Curriculum content | English as an Additional Language (EAL) | Level B1 | Writing | Linguistic Structures and Features

  • VCMNA342

    Solve equations using systematic guess-check-and-refine with digital technology


    • refining intervals on graphs and/or in tables of values to determine with increasing accuracy when the values of two functions are approximately equal

    VCMNA342 | Mathematics | Level 10 | Number and Algebra | Linear and non-linear relationships

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  • All areas (989)
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  • English (80)
  • Health and Physical Education (10)
  • Languages (600)
  • Mathematics (135)
  • Science (15)
  • Technologies (43)
  • The Arts (22)
  • The Humanities (49)

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  • All subjects (989)
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  • Classical Greek (19)
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  • Dance (1)
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  • Digital Technologies (24)
  • Drama (1)
  • Economics and Business (3)
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  • English as an Additional Language (EAL) (50)
  • Ethical Capability (11)
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  • German (28)
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  • Hindi (43)
  • History (19)
  • Indonesian (24)
  • Intercultural Capability (7)
  • Italian (20)
  • Japanese (38)
  • Korean (30)
  • Latin (19)
  • Mathematics (50)
  • Mathematics Version 2.0 (85)
  • Media Arts (11)
  • Modern Greek (19)
  • Music (2)
  • Non-Roman Alphabet Languages (12)
  • Personal and Social Capability (14)
  • Roman Alphabet Languages (21)
  • Science (15)
  • Spanish (40)
  • Turkish (42)
  • Victorian Aboriginal Languages (11)
  • Vietnamese (26)
  • Visual Arts (5)
  • Visual Communication Design (1)

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Search results - Victorian Curriculum (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Views: 5791

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.