CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (2024)

Kira Schmitt, Jürgen tit*chack, and Daniel Baum


Dendroid stony corals build highly complex colonies that develop from a single coral polyp sitting in a cup-like skeleton, called corallite, by asexual reproduction, resulting in a tree-like branching pattern of its skeleton.Despite their beauty and ecological importance as reef builders in tropical shallow-water reefs as well as in cold-water coral mounds in the deep ocean, systematic studies investigating the ontogenetic morphological development of such coral colonies are largely missing.One reason for this is the sheer number of corallites – up to several thousands in a single coral colony.Another limiting factor, especially for the analysis of dendroid cold-water corals, is the existence of many secondary joints in the ideally tree-like structure that make a reconstruction of the skeleton tree extremely tedious.

Herein, we present CoDA, the Coral Dendroid structure Analyzer, a visual analytics suite that allows for the first time to investigate the ontogenetic morphological development of complex dendroid coral colonies, exemplified on three important framework-forming dendroid cold-water corals: Lophelia pertusa (Linnaeus, 1758), Madrepora oculata (Linnaeus, 1758), and Goniocorella dumosa (Alco*ck, 1902).Input to CoDAis an initial instance segmentation of the coral polyp cavities (calices), from which it estimates the skeleton tree of the colony and extracts classical morphological measurements and advanced shape features of the individual corallites.CoDAalso works as a proofreading and error correction tool by helping to identify wrong parts in the skeleton tree and providing tools to quickly correct these errors.The final skeleton tree enables the derivation of additional information about the calices/corallite instances that otherwise could not be obtained, including their ontogenetic generation and branching patterns – the basis of a fully quantitative statistical analysis of the coral colony morphology.Part of CoDAis CoDA.Graph, a feature-rich link-and-brush user interface for visualizing the extracted features and 2D graph layouts of the skeleton tree, enabling the real-time exploration of complex coral colonies and their building blocks, the individual corallites and branches.

In the future, we expect CoDAto greatly facilitate the analysis of large stony corals of different species and morphotypes, as well as other dendroid structures, enabling new insights into the influence of genetic and environmental factors on their ontogenetic morphological development.

Index Terms:

Image processing, data visualization, biological systems.

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (1)

I Introduction

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (2)
CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (3)
CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (4)

Complex dendroidal structures are widespread in nature and commonly formed by various organisms comprising plants, e.g., trees, grass, including their roots, coralline algae (e.g.,[35, 22, 24, 46, 27, 10]), and (marine) animals, e.g., corals, including the herein investigated cold-water corals (CWC), or bryozoans ([22, 30, 1]).Often, these organisms are key players in ecosystems, such as trees in forests or corals in coral reefs, by forming multiple ecological niches beneficial for other organisms, so that these ecosystems represent biodiversity hotspots and provide important ecosystem services (e.g., [42, 2, 13, 21]).

Coral colonies consist of multiple coral polyps that originate from asexual budding.Each polyp produces a skeleton called corallite with a central cavity, called calyx, in which it lives(2(a)).Coral colonies exhibit various shapes (e.g., encrusting, hemispherical, tabular, corymbose and branching; [14]) but colonial stony (scleactinian) cold-water corals are predominantly branching (dendroidal; [33]).Some dendroid cold-water corals commonly show secondary joints, regions in the colony where two different coral branches have grown together, and skeletal strengthening as well as further associated secondary joints related to the presence of worms of the genus Eunice [29].Both represent important features in the analysis of cold-water coral colonies as they influence significantly the morphology of the colonies, which is the result of the interaction of the organism with its ambient environment.However, an in-depth understanding of this interaction is often hindered by the limited methodologies to characterize three-dimensional morphologies.Often, morphologies are only qualitatively described (e.g., for CWC: [20, 9, 11]) or characterized by some basic measurements (e.g., for CWC:[37, 36]).

This work presents a new visual analytics suite called CoDAthat allows a detailed three-dimensional quantitative assessment of dendroidal structures.A major component of CoDAis CoDA.Graph, a browser-based application for showing 2D plots like scatter plots, SPLOMs, maps and graph layouts.CoDA.Graphis not only suited for the analysis of CWCs but any kind of dendroid structures.We tested CoDAon colony fragments of the reef-forming CWCs Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata and Goniocorella dumosa.An overview of the analysis workflow using CoDAis shown in Figure1.Note that in this work, we visualize all binary and instance segmentations as voxelized data for two reasons:(1)It gives the reader a better feeling for the resolution of the data.(2)It is the one used in CoDAas it is more interactive than using a surface representation that needs recomputation with each change.

I-A Related work

Skeleton graphs and center line trees[38, 18] are well established tools in the image processing community and provide a good first impression of the growth of a coral colony.However, they are purely based on topological measures and do not take into account the actual, biological relationship.They are thus not suited for a proper ontogenetic analysis.The work on CoDAis motivated by the desire to obtain a directed skeleton graph in which the edges coincide with the mother-daughter relationships between adjacent corallites and in which each vertex corresponds to a corallite.For similar reasons, contact graphs[31], as they occur in the analysis of particle and fibre systems, are not suited for the ontogenetic analysis.

Our 2D analytics platform CoDA.Graphis inspired by dExplorer[12], an interactive platform for spine analysis.It allows the extraction of many morphological features and their visualization in a single application.However, with regard to the analysis of CWC colonies, we are interested in different features, both for individual corallites as well as morphological features of the entire coral colony.Most importantly, we are interested in the visualization and exploration of the relationships within a colony.

The visualization and modification of the graph structures are based on the work of Dercksen etal.[15], in which they deal with the tracing and visualization of 3D dendrite and axon morphologies.We apply many of the presented ideas, especially the manual tools for editing the spatial graphs, in our analysis pipeline, extend and adjust them to our use case.Dercksen etal.construct the edges by tracing the dendrites in the image.For coral colonies, this is not possible, as there is no unique path visible in the image that connects mother and daughter corallites (2(a)).Additionally, the edges in the dendrite graph are again undirected whereas the orientation of the edges carry important information in our application.

I-B Data

This paper explores five specimens of, in total, three different species of cold-water corals with different morphologies.All specimens vary greatly in size, so that we not only test the developed methods for small samples, but also for large ones with almost 2000 corallites.We consider the following specimens:

  1. (I)

    sample A2W of the species Lophelia pertusa with elongated corallites and an open, bushy colony morphology, collected from Leksa reef, Norway (63.61°N63.61°N63.61\degree\,\text{N}63.61 ° N 9.38°E9.38°E9.38\degree\,\text{E}9.38 ° E and 157m water depth);

  2. (II)

    sample C1W of the species Lophelia pertusa with elongated corallites and an open, bushy colony morphology, collected from Sula reef, Norway (64.11°N64.11°N64.11\degree\,\text{N}64.11 ° N 8.12°E8.12°E8.12\degree\,\text{E}8.12 ° E in 303m depth);

  3. (III)

    sample SaM-ID43148 of the species Lophelia pertusa with slender corallites and a columnar colony morphotype, collected near the Gondola Slide, southeast of the Gargano Promontory in the Adriatic Sea, (stations 167/168; GeoB11207; 41.72°N41.72°N41.72\degree\,\text{N}41.72 ° N 17.05°E17.05°E17.05\degree\,\text{E}17.05 ° E, approximately in 700m water depth; [19]), shown in 2(b);

  4. (IV)

    sample GeoB12747-1 of the species Madrepora oculata with its typical zigzag corallite arrangement, forming a fragile, predominantly fan-shaped colony morphology, collected from Meknes mud vulcano, Gulf of Cadiz during Pelagia cruise 64PE284 [26](34.99°N34.99°N34.99\degree\,\text{N}34.99 ° N 7.07°W7.07°W7.07\degree\,\text{W}7.07 ° W in 714m depth);

  5. (V)

    and sample NIWA-148046 of the species Goniocorella dumosa with its tube-like corallites and bushy colony morphology, collected from Chatham Rise, New Zealand (43.37°S43.37°S43.37\degree\,\text{S}43.37 ° S 179.45°E179.45°E179.45\degree\,\text{E}179.45 ° E in approximately 400m water depth), shown in 2(c).

The CT scans were performed at Klinikum Bremen-Mitte with the same protocol as described in Schmittetal.([39], specimens (I), (II) and (IV) with the Toshiba Aquilion 64 device, and specimens (III) and (V) with the Philips Brilliance iCT Elite 256 device).The qualitative classification scheme of Sannaetal.[37] was used to determine colony morphotypes.More information regarding meta data and results are provided in TableI.

I-C Contributions

Our contributions are as follows.

  • A domain-specific framework for the semi-automatic ontogenetic and morphological analysis of cold-water coral colonies, potentially suitable for other dendroidal structures.

  • A linked dendrogram and state-of-the-art graph layouts for the coral colonies that provide an abstract, unobtrusive view of the colonies’ growth patterns; it also provides multiple selection tools for exploring the ancestry of individual corals and their ontogenetic development.

  • A heuristic for orienting cold-water coral calices/corallites, and other cone-shaped structures, that approximates their centerlines by parabolas; a further heuristic that uses the orientation information to estimate the skeleton tree of coral colonies.

  • A proofreading mechanism for the instance segmentation of the calices/corallites and their adjacency, which avoids occlusions and guides the user in a coherent way through all instances, even in very large colonies.

  • A tool set for jointly correcting over-segmentations, under-segmentations and wrong adjacencies in the instance segmentation and the attached graph, in a systematic manner without having to start all over again.

  • A simple mechanism for linking and brushing between different applications using a simple .csv file-based interface, that allows the seamless integration of CoDA.Graphinto other visualization tools.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows:In sectionII, we give an overview of the segmentation workflow, the fitting of the colony skeleton graph and our tools for jointly refining the calyx instance segmentation and the skeleton graph.In sectionIII, we present the visual analysis tool CoDA.Graph, describe its architecture, its features and its integration into other visualization platforms.In sectionIV, we apply the segmentation workflow to five different coral specimens of three cold-water coral taxa, explore the results with CoDA, describe the overall workflow and experience while processing the samples.

II Segmentation Workflow

Input to our segmentation pipeline is a 3D image resulting from scanning individual specimens containing one or several coral colony fragments using computed tomography.An iso-surface rendering of such a 3D image is shown in Figure1a.

II-A Initial Calyx Segmentation

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (5)

The first step in the processing of a 3D image containing coral colonies is the computation of the calyx (polyp cavity) segmentation.This is accomplished with the ambient occlusion and ambient curvature-based method developed by Schmitt et al.[39], which makes use of two observations.Firstly, the cavities are more occluded than regions outside the skeleton[3, 44].Secondly, coral cavities are mostly convex on the outside and concave on the inside.Combining both information in a statistical model for background and foreground, i.e., cavity and non-cavity, gives a soft segmentation of the polyp cavities(calices).The final segmentation is then obtained by computing a minimal partition of the soft segmentation.The result for a small colony fragment is shown in Figure1b.

In the next step, the initial calyx instance segmentation is computed by a classical contour-tree segmentation[5] on the random-walk distance transform[23] of the calyx segmentation.Although a classical Euclidean distance transform may be used as well, we share the findings of Baum et al.[4] that the random-walk distance transform yields slightly better results for the calyx instance segmentation.The persistence value in the contour-tree segmentation is interactively chosen such that most of the small, young corals are segmented correctly.This choice, however, comes with an over-segmentation of larger, adult corals.We find this tradeoff easier to work with than the other way around, since over-segmentations are easier to spot and correct.The initial calyx instance segmentation of the same colony fragment as in Figure1b is shown in Figure3a.

At this point, the initial calyx instance segmentation can already be refined with the tools described in subsectionII-C.The final result is depicted in Figure3b.

II-B Automatic Colony-Tree Computation

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (6)

Among other information, we are particularly interested in the skeleton tree that describes the mother-daughter corallite relationship in a coral colony, that is, a graph with a vertex for each corallite and a directed edge going from the mother corallite to the daughter corallite.Since corals reproduce asexually within a colony, the graph will be a tree.

The automatic tree computation starts by propagating the calyx instance segmentation, like the one shown in Figure3b, onto the corals skeleton.The propagation algorithm assigns each voxel in the skeleton mask the label of the closest calyx.The result is a corallite instance segmentation as the one shown in Figure4a.

Scanning through the corallite instance segmentation and tracking which instances touch each other yields a region adjacency graph (RAG) as shown in Figure4b.This graph has one vertex for each corallite and one edge for each pair of neighbouring corallites.Unfortunately, the region adjacency graph is too large in the sense that it also contains edges between corallites that are adjacent but do not describe a proper mother-daughter relationship.

In order to prune these superfluous edges, we first orient the corallites.We start by fitting a parabola to the point cloud given by all voxels occupied by the corresponding calyx.Let 𝒱3𝒱superscript3\mathcal{V}\subset\mathbb{R}^{3}caligraphic_V ⊂ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 3 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT denote the point cloud of voxels belonging to a calyx.Then we seek to find a rotation matrix RO(3)𝑅𝑂3R\in O(3)italic_R ∈ italic_O ( 3 ), an anchor point a3𝑎superscript3a\in\mathbb{R}^{3}italic_a ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 3 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, the curvature of the parabola α0𝛼subscriptabsent0\alpha\in\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}italic_α ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≥ 0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, as well as the curve parameters txsubscript𝑡𝑥t_{x}\in\mathbb{R}italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∈ blackboard_R for all x𝒱𝑥𝒱x\in\mathcal{V}italic_x ∈ caligraphic_V, such that the distance between the spatial parabola

γ(t)=R(tαt20)+a𝛾𝑡𝑅matrix𝑡𝛼superscript𝑡20𝑎\gamma(t)=R\begin{pmatrix}t\\\alpha t^{2}\\0\end{pmatrix}+aitalic_γ ( italic_t ) = italic_R ( start_ARG start_ROW start_CELL italic_t end_CELL end_ROW start_ROW start_CELL italic_α italic_t start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT end_CELL end_ROW start_ROW start_CELL 0 end_CELL end_ROW end_ARG ) + italic_a

and the calyx point cloud is minimized. In more formal terms:

minRO(3)a3αtx3x𝒱γ(tx)x22.subscript𝑅𝑂3𝑎superscript3𝛼subscript𝑡𝑥superscript3subscript𝑥𝒱superscriptsubscriptdelimited-∥∥𝛾subscript𝑡𝑥𝑥22\min_{\begin{subarray}{c}R\in O(3)\\a\in\mathbb{R}^{3}\\\alpha\in\mathbb{R}\\t_{x}\in\mathbb{R}^{3}\end{subarray}}\sum_{x\in\mathcal{V}}\left\lVert\gamma(t%_{x})-x\right\rVert_{2}^{2}.roman_min start_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_ARG start_ROW start_CELL italic_R ∈ italic_O ( 3 ) end_CELL end_ROW start_ROW start_CELL italic_a ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 3 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT end_CELL end_ROW start_ROW start_CELL italic_α ∈ blackboard_R end_CELL end_ROW start_ROW start_CELL italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 3 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT end_CELL end_ROW end_ARG end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∑ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x ∈ caligraphic_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∥ italic_γ ( italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) - italic_x ∥ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT .

In short, the parameters are initialized by first computing a principal component analysis (PCA) and projecting all voxels onto the first two principal axes.The rotation matrix coincides, up to the sign of the last column, with the projection matrix of the PCA, while the anchor and curve parameters are found by linear regression.The parameters are then refined by alternating the minimization with respect to the parabola parameters txsubscript𝑡𝑥t_{x}italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and all other parameters.Figure4c shows the parabola fit for the A2W specimen.

The parabola fit is finalized by swapping the start tmin=minx𝒱txsubscript𝑡minsubscript𝑥𝒱subscript𝑡𝑥t_{\text{min}}=\min_{x\in\mathcal{V}}t_{x}italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT min end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = roman_min start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x ∈ caligraphic_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and end tmax=maxx𝒱txsubscript𝑡maxsubscript𝑥𝒱subscript𝑡𝑥t_{\text{max}}=\max_{x\in\mathcal{V}}t_{x}italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT max end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = roman_max start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x ∈ caligraphic_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, if necessary, such that more points in the point cloud project onto the second half of the parabola, i.e.,

|{tx:tx<tmid}|number of points in first half|{tx:txtmid}|number of points in second half,subscriptconditional-setsubscript𝑡𝑥subscript𝑡𝑥subscript𝑡midnumber of points in first halfsubscriptconditional-setsubscript𝑡𝑥subscript𝑡𝑥subscript𝑡midnumber of points in second half\underbrace{\left\lvert\{t_{x}:t_{x}<t_{\text{mid}}\right\}\rvert}_{\text{%number of points in first half}}\leq\underbrace{\left\lvert\{t_{x}:t_{x}\geq t%_{\text{mid}}\right\}\rvert}_{\text{number of points in second half}},under⏟ start_ARG | { italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT : italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT < italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT mid end_POSTSUBSCRIPT } | end_ARG start_POSTSUBSCRIPT number of points in first half end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≤ under⏟ start_ARG | { italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT : italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≥ italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT mid end_POSTSUBSCRIPT } | end_ARG start_POSTSUBSCRIPT number of points in second half end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ,

with tmid=tmin+tmax2subscript𝑡midsubscript𝑡minsubscript𝑡max2t_{\text{mid}}=\frac{t_{\text{min}}+t_{\text{max}}}{2}italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT mid end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = divide start_ARG italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT min end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT max end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_ARG start_ARG 2 end_ARG.This condition is inspired by the observation that the coral grows in breadth.Figure4d shows the distribution of the parameters txsubscript𝑡𝑥t_{x}italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and the distance of the voxel x𝑥xitalic_x to the parabola for a single calyx.

Based on the oriented parabola, a simple measure describing whether a voxel is closer to the bottom or top of a calyx is defined as

h(x)={0,iftx<tmintxtmintmaxtmin,iftmintxtmax1,iftx>tmax,h(x)=\begin{cases}0&,\quad\text{if }t_{x}<t_{\text{min}}\\\frac{t_{x}-t_{\text{min}}}{t_{\text{max}}-t_{\text{min}}}&,\quad\text{if }t_{%\text{min}}\leq t_{x}\leq t_{\text{max}}\\1&,\quad\text{if }t_{x}>t_{\text{max}}\\\end{cases},italic_h ( italic_x ) = { start_ROW start_CELL 0 end_CELL start_CELL , if italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT < italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT min end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_CELL end_ROW start_ROW start_CELL divide start_ARG italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT min end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_ARG start_ARG italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT max end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT min end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_ARG end_CELL start_CELL , if italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT min end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≤ italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ≤ italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT max end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_CELL end_ROW start_ROW start_CELL 1 end_CELL start_CELL , if italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT max end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_CELL end_ROW ,

where txsubscript𝑡𝑥t_{x}italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT again minimizes the distance of x𝑥xitalic_x to the parabola, i.e.,

tx=argmintγ(t)x22.subscript𝑡𝑥subscriptargmin𝑡superscriptsubscriptdelimited-∥∥𝛾𝑡𝑥22t_{x}=\mathrm{argmin}_{t\in\mathbb{R}}\lVert\gamma(t)-x\rVert_{2}^{2}.italic_t start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = roman_argmin start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t ∈ blackboard_R end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∥ italic_γ ( italic_t ) - italic_x ∥ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT .

An edge e=(A,B)𝑒𝐴𝐵e=(A,B)italic_e = ( italic_A , italic_B ) connecting two calices A and B in the region adjacency graph is now oriented such that

hA(xA)hB(xB),subscript𝐴subscript𝑥𝐴subscript𝐵subscript𝑥𝐵h_{A}\left(x_{A}\right)\geq h_{B}\left(x_{B}\right),italic_h start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) ≥ italic_h start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_B end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_B end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) ,(1)

where xAVAsubscript𝑥𝐴subscript𝑉𝐴x_{A}\in V_{A}italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∈ italic_V start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is the closest point in calyx A to calyx B, and xBVBsubscript𝑥𝐵subscript𝑉𝐵x_{B}\in V_{B}italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_B end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∈ italic_V start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_B end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is analogously the closest point in calyx B to calyx A:

xAxB2=dist(VA,VB).subscriptdelimited-∥∥subscript𝑥𝐴subscript𝑥𝐵2distsubscript𝑉𝐴subscript𝑉𝐵\lVert x_{A}-x_{B}\rVert_{2}=\text{dist}(V_{A},V_{B}).∥ italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A end_POSTSUBSCRIPT - italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_B end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∥ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = dist ( italic_V start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_V start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_B end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) .

These points are easily obtained by tracking the touching points during the corallite instance segmentation.The condition Equation1 orients the edges such that they start at the top of the source corallite (mother) and end at the bottom of the target corallite (daughter).

Most of the remaining superfluous edges connect daughters of the same mother corallite, giving rise to the following configuration:

A simplification procedure prunes the edge between the daughters B1subscriptB1\text{B}_{1}B start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and B2subscriptB2\text{B}_{2}B start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT.

The pruned graph already gives a good estimate for the skeleton tree.However, it may still contain edges for secondary joints.Formally, secondary joints are constituted by the subset of edges within the region adjacency graph that are not part of the skeleton tree.

The automatically computed skeleton graph and the final skeleton tree, after manual refinement of the skeleton graph, are shown in Figure5.

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (7)

II-C Refinement Tools

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (8)

The initial instance segmentation of the colony into calices and the associated skeleton graph are not perfect, that is, they may still have errors which require manual intervention.CoDAprovides suitable tools for correcting over-segmentations, under-segmentations, wrongly oriented edges, as well as adding missing and removing superfluous edges.All operations acting on the instance segmentation keep the skeleton graph in sync by inserting or removing edges and vertices when needed.

Over-segmentations are corrected with the merge tool as shown in Figure6.The user marks the instances that should be merged by drawing a line over them.The voxels in the touched connected components are then collected and assigned to a new, common label.Their vertices in the spatial graph are merged as well and internal edges are removed while keeping the edges to non-affected vertices.

Under-segmentations are corrected by drawing a cutting line across the instance that is too large.We fit a plane to the line and the viewing direction, and assign each half-space of the connected component a new label ID, resulting in a clean, scissor-like cut into two segments.The edges of the original calyx are distributed between the two new instances such that they maximize the orientation condition stated in Equation1.Additionally, a new edge is inserted between the two new components.If no orientation of the view allows a clear cut, then the merge and cut tools can be used multiple times until a satisfactory result is achieved.

The vertices of the graph can only be changed by merging, cutting or reassigning the labels of the instance segmentation.With the help of graph editing tools, the user can add missing edges by selecting the source and target vertices in the 3D view.Similarly, superfluous edges are removed by selecting the edge itself and deleting it (Figure6c) as part of the merge workflow, or by selecting the source and target vertices and disconnecting them.

From time to time, the heuristic described in subsectionII-B yields incorrect orientations, especially for small corals and for calices where top and bottom are close by.In those cases, the direction of the adjacent edges can be corrected by selecting and flipping them.

II-D Proofreading

Proofreading in CoDAconsists of two steps.The first step concerns the calyx instance segmentation itself.Here, a major part of wrongly segmented calices are identified by looking at the feature plots in CoDA.Graph, e.g., for volume, surface area, length or the mean distance to the parabolas.Once all outliers are taken care of, a step-through process presents the user with all coral instances one after the other.Initially, all instances are marked as unseen.The user then either marks them as good or corrects them with the proper refinement tools described in subsectionII-C.After refinement, all affected calyx instances are again marked as unseen and placed into the proofreading queue.

Problems with occlusions, for example in inner, dense areas of a colony, are taken care of by showing only the closest, adjacent corals by cropping to a centered region of interest (RoI).Notably, the order in which the user steps through the instances is not random but visits the next, closest, unchecked calyx.Thus larger jumps within the 3D volume image are avoided.The camera of the view is aligned with the principal axes of the calyx to obtain a standardized view.

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (9)

The second proofreading step concerns the edges of the skeleton graph.The cycle detection highlights the shortest cycle in the graph which can be traced to find and remove the edge that was caused by a secondary joint.Each vertex must also have an in-degree of at most one since each calyx/corallite can have only one or no predecessor.These two hints are the most helpful for identifying wrong edges and are shown in Figure7.Other helpful features during this proofreading stage are the edge orientation criterion in Equation1, the budding angles, edge lengths or contact area widths.It is important to note that the visual hints only work for calices and edges that are in the current segmentation, and that we cannot add visual hints for edges that are not there anymore, once they have been removed.Thus, also for this step, we prefer that the initial instance segmentation is an over-segmentation and contains more calices as well as more edges due to secondary joints.

Similarly to the proofreading of the calyx instance segmentation, the user is provided with a step-by-step tool for proofreading all edges.This guides the user through all vertices (calices).The user marks a vertex as good if all edges starting or ending in the vertex are correct and none are missing.

The proofreading state is just another attribute of the vertices and edges and can thus also be used as source for the color- and glyph-map.This allows the user to easily see which vertices and edges are still marked as unseen or as already been taken care of.

III Implementation

The whole proofreading, analysis and exploration framework is implemented within two different software stacks that communicate via a simple file-based mechanism.The image processing and refinement tools are implemented in Amira[41] and are available as custom modules and extensions to the built-in 3D visual analysis tools.Within Amira, aggregated features are extracted for the individual calices and related corallites, as well as their relationships, and are exported to CoDA.Graph, a web application written in Python using the Bokeh[8] library.CoDA.Graphextends Amira by a rich set of classical 2D visualizations like SPLOMs, scatter plots, histograms, and graph layouts.

III-A Linking between Amira and CoDA.Graph

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (10)

CoDA.Graphand Amira are entirely decoupled and can be used independently.However, to facilitate an interactive and seamless exploration of the data, a simple communication protocol based on .csv files and a canonical naming scheme is implemented.

On startup, a temporary folder with a known prefix amira_coda_{random_number}/ is created by Amira.CoDA.Graphautomatically detects folders with this prefix and watches their content.Whenever a file in the shared folder is created, deleted or modified, the change is detected automatically by both Amira and CoDA, which will trigger a reload of the respective spreadsheets.To avoid race conditions or undefined behaviour, a spreadsheet is only ever written to by either Amira or CoDAand read by the other, never by both.The origin of the data is again indicated with a prefix.

  • amira_vertex_{name}.csv
    A spreadsheet with features exported from Amira in which each row contains data for one vertex (calyx/corallite).All vertex spreadsheets must have the same number of rows.

  • amira_edge_{name}.csv
    A spreadsheet with features exported from Amira in which each row contains data for one edge.All edge spreadsheets must have the same number of rows.Additionally, at least one spreadsheet must have two columns with the index of the start and end vertices.

  • amira_vertex_colormap.csv
    A spreadsheet with the current color for every vertex (calyx/corallite).The colormap can be used in CoDA.Graphso that the user is presented with the same color scheme in all views.

  • amira_edge_colormap.csv
    The same as amira_vertex_colormap.csv but here, each row contains the color for an edge.

  • coda_vertex_selection.csv
    A spreadsheet containing a single column in which each row indicates whether a vertex is currently selected in CoDA.Graphor not.This information is used in Amira to show the currently selected calices/corallites in CoDA.Graph, enabling a seamless link-and-brush experience.

  • coda_edge_selection.csv
    The same as cora_edge_selection.csv but each row indicates if an edge is currently selected in CoDA.Graphor not.

  • coda_vertex_colormap.csv
    The same as amira_vertex_colormap.csv but the colors are the ones displayed in CoDA.Graph.

  • coda_edge_colormap.csv
    The same as amira_edge_colormap.csv but the colors are the ones displayed in CoDA.Graph.

The data flow is visualized in Figure8.

At this point, it is worth mentioning that the naming scheme and choice of .csv files for the communication make it easy to use CoDA.Graphwithout Amira.Similarly, an integration of CoDA.Graphinto other applications is just a matter of adhering to the naming scheme within the shared folder.

III-B Views and Panels

CoDA.Graphis implemented in Bokeh[8] and thus browser-based.It consists of up to three panels: A control panel and up to two viewer panels.

The leftmost panel is the control panel (Figure1h) and allows the user to change parameters such as the colormap, glyphmap, size and opacity for both edges and vertices.These visual settings are used inside all views, which gives a uniform impression.Additional controls allow the user to choose the current visualization type for each view, e.g., a graph layout for the left and a scatter plot for the right view.Each view type has its own settings which are also shown in the control panel.For example, the scatter plot view has a control for choosing the column containing the features of the x𝑥xitalic_x-axis and another one for choosing the features on the y𝑦yitalic_y-axis.CoDA.Graphaims to be as simple as possible and thus tries to reduce the number of controls available to the user or use sensible presets whenever possible.

All classical plots are available, that is, scatter plots, histograms, SPLOMs and petal (wedge) plots.Additionally, CoDA.Graphprovides a map view with the option for different tile providers and locations of the datasets.A map view showing the location of the five datasets considered in this paper is shown in Figure13.The graph view shows a layout computed with any of the algorithms provided by the Graphviz[17] library.If the loaded graph is a tree, the view defaults to the dot view, so that a dendrogram of the generations is shown.

CoDA.Graphalso provides functional views for PCA and UMAP[28], two of the most popular techniques for dimensionality reduction.Upon opening the view, the user chooses the features subject to the dimensionality reduction and views the result directly in a SPLOM.

The raw data can be viewed with the spreadsheet view (Figure1h) and simple statistics like the data range, standard variance and quantiles are available in the statistics view.

III-C Exploration and Selection Tools

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (11)

Selections can be made in any of the CoDA.Graphviews and will be propagated to Amira.Bokeh comes with several useful selection tools out of the box, for example, the lasso, box and tap selection tools, which already allow for a freehand, unconstrained selection in all views.

For the ontogenetic analysis and exploration of the spatial growth patterns of the coral colonies, we implemented custom tools in the graph view.The descendant selection tool selects the sub-tree containing all descendants of the selected calyx/corallite;the ancestor selection tool selects all ancestors of a single corallite;and the connected component selection tool selects all corallites within a connected component, which are all calices/corallites within the same colony fragment.These tools allow the exploration of a corallite’s ancestry within a specimen and to focus on a single colony fragment within a dataset.An overview of the selection tools is shown in Figure9.

IV Case studies

In order to showcase the suitability of CoDAfor the analysis of coral colonies, case studies are presented using the five specimens described in subsectionI-B.The chosen samples differ in size, corallite number, and corallite and colony morphology, so that the study covers many use cases.

IV-A Segmentation

Sample (I) A2W (II) C1W (III) SaM-ID43148 (IV) GeoB127471-1 (V) NIWA-148046
SpeciesLophelia pertusaLophelia pertusaLophelia pertusaMadrepora oculataGoniocorella dumosa
Voxels257×237×392257237392257\times 237\times 392257 × 237 × 392275×145×276275145276275\times 145\times 276275 × 145 × 2761024×729×1215102472912151024\times 729\times 12151024 × 729 × 1215279×115×335279115335279\times 115\times 335279 × 115 × 335829×455×317829455317829\times 455\times 317829 × 455 × 317
Resolution [mm3]delimited-[]superscriptmm3[\text{mm}^{3}][ mm start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 3 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ]0.351×0.351×0.30.3510.3510.30.351\times 0.351\times 0.30.351 × 0.351 × 0.30.351×0.351×0.30.3510.3510.30.351\times 0.351\times 0.30.351 × 0.351 × 0.30.3125×0.3125×0.30.31250.31250.30.3125\times 0.3125\times 0.30.3125 × 0.3125 × 0.30.351×0.351×0.30.3510.3510.30.351\times 0.351\times 0.30.351 × 0.351 × 0.30.146×0.146×0.30.1460.1460.30.146\times 0.146\times 0.30.146 × 0.146 × 0.3
Colony fragments516719
75% Quantile22221
RAG \rightarrow Initialisation(automatic)
Computation time25s9s420s5s86s
Unchanged edges68073429218
Pruned edges32714401948
Initialisation \rightarrow Final(manual)
Unchanged edges10729137855172
Removed edges807119125
Added edges20217717
Flipped edges0063364

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (12)

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (13)

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (14)
CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (15)

The initial instance segmentation was carried out similarly for all specimens and follows the workflow and recommendations from sectionII.Separating a segment into two segments may require multiple cuts and subsequent merges since it is sometimes hard to find a cutting plane that separates both segments clearly, while merging two segments only requires a scribble roughly drawn on top of them.Additionally, we find over-segmentations easier to spot than under-segmentations.Two segments differ in color, while an under-segmented area is only recognizable by its shape or as an outlier in one of the morphological feature plots.

The comparatively small specimens of Lophelia pertusa, A2W (I), C1W (II), and Madrepora oculata, GeoB12747-1 (IV), were processed almost fully automatically; the whole process from calyx segmentation to the final colony-tree and instance segmentation took no longer than an hour each.These specimens contain 114, 30 and 64 individual calices/corallites, respectively.The fact that these specimens only contain a few or no secondary joints simplified the processing and manual interaction.Due to their small size and morphology, the calices/corallites do not occlude others within the colony and it was possible to obtain a perfect segmentation without using the RoI centering and cropping tool in the proofreader.

The instance segmentation, skeleton-tree computation and proofreading of the largest sample, SaM-ID43148 (III), which motivated the development of CoDA, took longer than every other specimen with roughly two working weeks.After the initial, contour-tree-based calyx instance segmentation, we used CoDA.Graphto filter small instances with less than 0.5mm30.5superscriptmm30.5\mathrm{mm}^{3}0.5 roman_mm start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 3 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT and removed them.Such small cavities belong to small holes in the ambient occlusion mask that is used to obtain the polyp-cavity segmentation on which the calyx instance segmentation is based on, or artefacts due to the scanning resolution.Even if they belong to young corallites, they are too small to be part of a meaningful morphological analysis, so that they would be discarded from further analysis anyway.Next, we examined the initial calyx instance segmentation with the 3D visualizations and corrected all segments that we could spot at first glance.Afterwards, we switched to the proofreading tool for the correction and validation of the calyx instance segmentation.Especially the canonical view with the automatically centered RoI proved to be useful in the inner, dense areas of the specimen.Notably, the calyx segmentation contained many tubes of Eunice worms, which had to be removed.Using the proofread instance segmentation, we computed the initial colony skeleton graph and pruned secondary joints with help of the cycle detection tool, of which SaM-ID43148 (III) contains many.A second proofreading was carried out, in which a few errors that we missed earlier were corrected, both in the calyx instance segmentation, as well as the colony-tree graph.The final instance segmentation contains 1724 individual corals, 1658 edges and 66 colony fragments.

The processing of the Goniocorella dumosa specimen NIWA-148046 (V) proved to be more involved than the others due to its fundamental different morphology.Each corallite of this species has intermediate floors (dissepiments) and budding occurs multiple times during corallite growth.Hence, a single corallite corresponds to multiple calyx subcavities.Figure11a shows an iso-surface rendering and a slice of the original CT intensity image of such a region.In addition to the unique growth pattern, the calyx subcavities are more cylindrical in shape, other than Lophelia pertusa or Madrepora oculata, which are more conic.Thus, they do not exhibit a strong anisotropy in growth direction which hampered the automatic computation of their orientation and the subsequent automatic estimation of the coral colony tree.Contrary to the other corals, here, we used the Euclidean distance transform as scalar field for the contour-tree segmentation, which gave slightly better results due to the more cylindrical shape and already good separated calyx subcavities due to the intermediate floors.The major bottleneck in the proofreading and refinement of this specimen was the merging of the many calyx subcavities belonging to the same corallites.From start to end, the first refinement and proofreading process took roughly two work days and resulted in an instance segmentation with 262 corallites.

IV-B Visual Exploration

After finishing the segmentation of all specimens, we started the visual exploration by trying to confirm some basic hypotheses and questions.

The SPLOM plots of the volume and surface area of both calices and corallites colored by their generations showed us that the corals need a growth-period of up to four generations to reach their adult stage, visible in Figure9d.3 since they are predominantly smaller in size and length than the older generations.After this period, morphological features are indistinguishable even in different branches of the same colony and between colony fragments in the same specimen.

The dendrograms also showed a skeleton tree that grows more in breadth rather than in depth for the Lophelia pertusa specimens compared to the Madrepora oculata specimen.Taking a look at the statistics panel, we could also see that the maximum number of buds (three) in the Madrepora oculata specimen is lower than the maximum number of buds (seven) in the Lophelia pertusa specimens.Note that these are first impression on morphological differences between two species that must be confirmed by the analysis of many more specimens.

In all cases, the colony-tree graph revealed more components, i.e., colony fragments, within a single specimen than identified by looking at the real specimens or the CT images.

By coloring the calices depending on their colony fragment in the SaM-ID43148 (III) sample, we can easily make out the principal directions of growth visually, as shown in Figure12d.While younger generations tend to start growing in a flat area near the ocean floor into many directions, all later generations tend to follow the same direction towards the top left corner in the image.

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (16)

CoDA.Graphalso allows the exploration of multiple colonies at once.We use this feature of CoDA.Graphto compare the morphology and the ontogenetic development between different specimens/species.All datasets are annotated with location attributes and their ID, which we use to compare the morphologies with respect to their species and location.As shown in Figure13, the scatter plot of the calyx volume and calyx surface area reveal different growth patterns and shapes for different species.The same plot also reveals that the correlation between volume and surface area depends on the species.

IV-C Performance

All analyses and explorations presented here were performed on a desktop PC with the following configuration: CPU: Intel Core i9-10920X CPU; GPU Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090, 24 GiB VRAM; Memory: 128 GiB DDR4.

The linking and brushing within CoDA.Graphworks for all specimens without noticeable lags.This is mainly due to the efficient implementation provided by Bokeh, and the limited number of calices/corallites and thus rows in the spreadsheets.

The file IO required to pass data between Amira and CoDA.Graphis also not a bottleneck for the colony sizes considered here, since it happens inside temporary directories which are usually mounted directly in-memory.Furthermore, the .csv file format is so simple, that loading and saving spreadsheets is not a concern.

The update of the 3D visualization in Amira however required a few seconds for the small corals like C1W (II) and up to 20s for SaM-ID43148 (III), depending on the number of 3D visualizations that are shown at the same time, e.g., the filtered calyx instance segmentation overlayed with the skeleton-tree and an iso-surface rendering of the original CT scan.When the plugins in Amira detect a change inside the shared directory, the .csv are loaded and parsed, followed by the generation of a new, filtered volume scalar field.This scalar field is then uploaded to the graphics card before it is finally rendered.After that, the volume can be explored at interactive frame rates.Although the filtering could happen directly inside the shaders, making it only necessary to upload the indices of the selection to the graphics card, this would have required more effort and changes to Amira than just adding a new plugin.

V Discussion

Three-dimensional dendroidal structures are quite common in nature (e.g., trees, coral frameworks) and structure habitats, such as forests or coral reefs, increase their complexity which results in an increase of ecological niches and consequently enhanced biodiversity (e.g., [32, 25]).While the provided ecological niches and biodiversity in these habitats are quite well studied, the influence of the actual shape of the three-dimensional dendroidal organisms on the habitat complexity, the ecological niches and biodiversity are nearly unstudied.One reason for this lack of knowledge is the predominantly qualitative or semi-quantitative description of these complex structures.The herein presented CoDAframework provides tools to assess such structures.

Currently, the presented segmentation pipeline and tools are optimised for dendroidal cold-water coral colonies with different corallite and colony morphologies.Even though the development process used only specimens of Lophelia pertusa, CoDAworks well for two other cold-water coral species, i.e., Madrepora oculata and Goniocorella dumosa.However, the different corallite morphology of Goniocorella dumosa with its tube-shaped corallites with multiple intermediate floors (dissepiments) [40] compared to the cone-shaped corallites of Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata) clearly shows the sensitivity of the colony skeleton-tree construction on the calyx/corallite instance segmentation and the subsequent ontogenetic interpretation of the results.In Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata, corallite budding occurs at a specific time of corallite development and usually is a single or double budding (maximal budding up to 7, see TableI).Budding numbers greater than two occur predominantly in Goniocorella dumosa.Its tube-shaped corallites exhibit up to >20absent20>20> 20 consecutive budding events (Figure11, FigureS1), which has fundamental importance for the ontogenetic interpretation of its colony skeleton tree.For an ontogenetic analysis of a colony skeleton tree of Goniocorella dumosa, the calyx/corallite instance segmentation should not be based on the complete corallites (as shown herein) but on the calyx subvolumes enclosed by the intermediate floors (dissepiments; Figure11a).

After a meaningful calyx/corallite instance segmentation, the biggest challenge and prerequisite for the ontogenetic analysis of coral colonies is the correct reconstruction of the colony skeleton tree.A single wrong edge will cause the generation number in a whole branch to be wrong and multiple errors will accumulate fast.With CoDA, we now have a systematic approach and intuitive tools at hand for correcting and proofreading the colony skeleton tree so that the number of errors can be minimized.

Having proofread data for the calyx/corallite instance segmentations and methods to compute it in a timely manner enable us to gather enough training data to leverage machine learning methods, for example, a simple convolutional neural network like a U-Net[34], for learning the corallite borders.The application of this may reduce the number of initial errors such that manual correction of errors will require less time.Up until now, no sufficient training data had been available.The coral colony datasets analyzed within this paper comprise almost 2200 corallites and their adjacencies, making it already a feasible training dataset for modern machine learning methods.

The initial automatic colony skeleton graph computation greatly reduces the amount of superfluous edges in the region adjacency graph.However, some edges are falsely removed, mostly in dense areas within a colony with many secondary joints.Often, these regions are interesting by themselves so that a closer look and manual introspection is required nonetheless.Similarly to the proofread calyx/corallite instance segmentations, the now available colony skeleton trees can be used to bootstrap other methods for classifying the adjacency between corallites, e.g., deep learning-based methods, which will work directly on the original image data and will potentially be able to identify the corallite orientation and mother-daughter relationship as well as the secondary joints even more accurately.Another option might be to employ graph neural networks for link prediction[48].

The parabolas fitted to the calices are not only useful for the colony skeleton tree computation, but provide new morphological features.For example, the mean, standard deviation and skew of the distance distribution give a simple description for the anisotropy of a calyx, that is, the skew of the distribution will be larger for a cone-shaped calyx than for a tubular-shaped one.Each parabola itself provides a robust estimate for the calyx (and corallite) centerline, its curvature provides a measure for the bending of the calyx/corallite, and the arc length provides a better estimate for the calyx’ length than the one based on principal axes (PCA).

Although CoDA.Graphprovides only minor contributions on its own, it combines many proven visualization techniques with a simple user interface and allows the exploration of cold-water corals in a novel, intuitive way.Being able to take a look at the region in the original volume image on which a data point in a plot is based on, may it be a classical measurement or otherwise computed feature, proved to be a very handy and convenient tool during the exploration and analysis of the coral colonies.Especially the linked 3D visualization in Amira and the 2D graph-layout in CoDA.Graphwere remarkably useful during the analysis of the corallite ancestry and provided a way to explore the relationships that would not have been possible within a single 2D or 3D visualization.

VI Conclusion and Future Work

This study provides the technological basis to study complex three-dimensional dendroidal structures systematically.Exemplified on dendroid stony cold-water corals, CoDAand CoDA.Graphare capable to disassemble fragments of dendroidal coral colonies into their principle building blocks (corallites) and construct an ontogenetic meaningful colony skeleton graph – the basis for a quantitative and reproducible analysis of the corallite and coral-colony morphology.Based on this decomposition of coral colonies, an automated classification of colonial cold-water corals, the investigation of intra- and interspecies coral morphoplasticity, local or regional spatial preferences of the distribution of specific morphologies, environmental influences on the coral morphology and its influence of reef-forming capacity of specific morphologies become possible, previously hindered by the qualitative to semi-quantitative acquisition of morphological data of cold-water corals.Our next goal is the statistical and morphological analysis of the most important reef-forming cold-water coral colonies to provide an automated CT-based species identification and investigate similarities and differences in their ontogenetic colony formation, corallite and coral colony morphology and their species-specific morphoplasticity.

The preliminary results presented herein regarding the quantifiable morphological differences between species (Figure13), are already very promising.However, these analyses must currently be restricted to younger parts of colonies as older parts are impacted by bioerosion, especially by bioeroding sponges that produce large cavities that change the shape of the coral skeleton considerably (e.g., [6, 7]).To overcome this restriction, we plan to use the data gathered from the analysis of intact coral colonies, like the ones presented in this paper, to develop and validate methods that deal with bioerosion-altered coral skeletons.Furthermore, the software provides the first step to investigate cold-water coral deposits in more detail.So far, CT scans of sediment cores retrieved from cold-water coral reefs/mounds were only used to reconstruct the coral content, the coral clast size and the clast orientation ([16, 43, 45]).The incorporation of morphological analyses into these analyses following the approach of CoDAwill potentially allow the differentiation of coral species and identification of specific coral morphotypes, which will considerably improve the reconstruction of the temporal development of these cold-water coral reefs/mounds.

We make CoDA.Graphavailable to the public in the hope that it is not only useful for the visual analysis of cold-water coral colonies but also for other dendroid organisms and objects with an inherent tree-like structure.

VII Data and Code Availability

The most recent version of CoDA.Graphis available at repository contains the documentation for the link and brush interface described in subsectionIII-A, as well as some of the extracted features for the A2W (I) specimen.

Additionally, we provide the source code for the Amira modules interfacing with CoDA.Graphat, the shared library for Amira 2024.core is also provided.

The original CT scans used in this paper as well as the final segmentation results and the spreadsheets with the computed features are available in the the PANGEA data repository.

  1. (I)


  2. (II)
  3. (III)
  4. (IV)
  5. (V)



Arne-Jörn Lemke and Christian Timann, Klinikum Bremen-Mitte, Gesundheit Nord (Bremen), are acknowledged for performing the CT scans and their support during the measurements.We thank Claudia Wienberg (MARUM) for providing access to the GeoB12738-1 specimen, and André Freiwald and Giovanni Sanna (both Senckenberg am Meer) for providing access to SaM-ID43148.Armin Form (GEOMAR) is acknowledged for providing CT scans of the specimens C1W and A2W (BMBF project BIOACID II (FKZ 03F0655A)).Furthermore, we thank the nautical and scientific crews and especially the chief scientists of RV POSEIDON cruise POS455, PV PELAGIA cruise 64PE284, and RV METEOR cruise M70-1 during which the samples were retrieved.Di Tracey and Sadie Mills (both from the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA, New Zealand) and the NIWA Invertebrate Collection, are gratefully acknowledged for providing the Goniocorella dumosa colony NIWA-148046.The specimen was collected by NIWA as part of their research project “Resilience Of deep-sea Benthic fauna to the Effects of Sedimentation” (ROBES) funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).Furthermore, we thank Leiss Abdal Al for helping with the segmentation of the SaM-ID-43148 specimen.The work in this paper is part of the project “CTcoral – CyberTaxonomic Classification and Morphological Characterisation of Cold-Water Corals” funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation; Ba5042/6-1; Ti706/6-1) as project 490665120.


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Kira Schmitt\orcidlink0009-0000-0385-0404 received her B.Sc.and in mathematics with a minor in computer science from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern (RPTU).She worked at the FraunhoferInstituteforIndustrialMathematics during her studies and gained a strong interest in image processing and visualization.Now, she develops methods for the automatic analysis of cold-water corals based on CT images as a full time researcher at the ZuseInstituteBerlin as part of her Ph.D.thesis.A project that combines her interests in image processing, nature and the ocean life.E-Mail:

Jürgen tit*chack\orcidlink0000-0001-9373-9688 is carbonate sedimentologist at Marum - Center for Marine Environmental Science, University of Bremen specialised in non-tropical carbonate systems. He is interested in the integration of sedimentological, geochemical and palaeontological datasets of cold-water coral systems and island shelve carbonates to investigate their fate during climatic changes, and the development and application of computed tomography-based methodologies for the analysis of biogenic skeletons, shells, traces and, as well as within, sediment cores.E-Mail: jtit*

Daniel Baum\orcidlink0000-0003-1550-7245studied computer science at Humboldt University Berlin (HUB), Germany, and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.He received his MS degree from HUB and his PhD degree from Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.During his PhD, he worked in the field of molecular visualization and similarity.Later, his research interests shifted towards image analysis.He is head of the research group Visual Data Analysis at Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), where he leads quite diverse projects from neurobiology to meteorology to the virtual unfolding of ancient written documents and the analysis of cold-water corals.E-mail:

Supplementary Materials

CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (17)
CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (18)
CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (19)
CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (20)
CoDA: Interactive Segmentation and Morphological Analysis of Dendroid Structures Exemplified on Stony Cold-Water Corals (2024)
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